Saturday, 1 February 2025


America’s Geopolitical Dilemma in a Multipolar World

1 February 2025

The new American administration recognises the world us settling back into a multipolar order, where diplomacy and economic competition take centre stage over military confrontation. It is also very important to recognise that the the new Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, acknowledges that Ukraine has lost the war.

The central concern for Washington’s foreign policy strategists is a long-standing one: preventing any single power—or coalition—from dominating Eurasia, the so-called “World Island” described by Sir Halford Mackinder.

For decades, U.S. policy has sought to maintain equilibrium in Eurasia between land power (Russia, China) and sea power (the Anglo-American alliance). The neoconservative approach has been to disrupt potential challengers before they become existential threats. 

One persistent fear has been a strategic partnership between Germany and Russia, which would merge German industrial strength with Russian resources—a combination that could undercut American influence in Europe and beyond.

How Will the U.S. Manage These Risks?

- Keeping Germany in Check:

The U.S. has long pressured Germany to distance itself from Russia. The sabotage of Nord Stream in 2022—though no one officially claimed responsibility—was widely interpreted as a message: European energy dependence on Russia is unacceptable.

Economic policies, sanctions, and security dependencies (via NATO) serve to keep Berlin aligned with Washington rather than pursuing independent strategic interests.

- Containing Russia and China:

The war in Ukraine has been a proxy battlefield for weakening Russia. While U.S. support has faltered in recent months, the underlying goal remains unchanged: to prevent Russia from becoming a dominant force in Europe.

In Asia, U.S. alliances with Japan, South Korea, and Australia counterbalance China, while economic pressure attempts to stifle Beijing’s technological and military growth.

Moral Contradictions in Foreign Policy:

The U.S. positions itself as a champion of sovereignty and international law in Europe, yet openly supports military interventions and occupations in the Middle East.

How does Washington justify backing Ukrainian nationalism while suppressing Palestinian statehood? How does it reconcile sanctioning Russian annexations while endorsing Israeli settlements? These contradictions weaken America's credibility in the eyes of the Global South and even among segments of its own electorate.

The Cost of Hypocrisy

This double standard has  seriously discredited America. Countries once aligned with the West now pursue greater autonomy, engaging with China’s Belt and Road Initiative or forming alternative economic blocs. 

Meanwhile, at home, the ideological excesses of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and "woke" politics have created civil divisions, fueled in part by the need to maintain what is an increasingly fragile narrative.

The smothering of dissent—through media narratives, corporate policies, and social pressures—is an attempt to sustain a worldview that is hard to defend. Propaganda may hold for a while, but in a world where multipolarity is reasserting itself, even the most dominant empire cannot ignore reality forever.

When global power shifts, those who fail to adapt risk losing their grip entirely. Under Marco Rubio, it seems that America will adjust its strategy to engage with the new world on equal terms  The alterbative would be to continue down the path of resistance until the system it built after the last workd war collapses under its contradictions. So Rubio understands this.

Friday, 31 January 2025


31 January 2025

Talk about soft power and how, at a detail level, it functions to progress american interests. 

We learn from Mercurious & others that for a long time, 90% of spending in the media space in Ukraine was coming from direct grants from the US State Department. 

Maybe ukraine is not a small country geographically, but in terms of population & GDP, it's small. Look how easily America buys up all Ukraine-media's column inches and turns them into one big advert for Russophobia.

The media literally speak with one voice, and have done so for a long time, pushing the anti-Russia hate speech; but according to the polls, this is not the voice of the mass of the people of Ukraine.

This op-ed program is a highly cynical black op. Where are American values of democracy and freedom in that? I wonder if the State Department under Rubio will continue this.

I know better than to trust the serpent words of the mass media and of government spokesman, but how about the 90% of the population of ordinary people going about their daily business in Ukraine? And what of the politicians back in Europe who read this dirt thinking it is the authentic voice of the Ukrainian people.? ... Remember, dirt written by the American state department as inspiration for the Ukrainian media, to be read by ordinary Ukrainian people and inevitably, a lead given to craven European media and read closely by politicians.

The whole operation is rotten to the core. How do the families of the million Ukrainians killed on the front lines feel towards those who persuaded their sons to to fight and die for what turns out to be a foreign cause? An operation that has ruined the economy. I'm destroyed the built infrastructure? A country that has now lost its young people and has no demographic future?

And all for a cause, membership of NATO, that we could see from the start, back in 2008, would be a catastrophic failure - and wrote about that from 2021 onwards - and America's greatest foreign policy disaster. A gamble on a strategy to weaken Russia that has no moral justification and no rational basis - they didn't even bother to look at the resources available to them : insufficient. A strategy handed down across generations of genociders.

Instead of blowing on the embers of a declining Empire in this way, what could have worked would have been to set goals and strategies for managing the Empire honestly and openly, configuring agreed security arrangements rather than going to war, making the home economy productive and efficient and debt-free, and help the people to love each other and unite, rather than all this delusional propaganda, DEI and woke divide and rule.

Well, that's my rant for the day. Now I want to tell a little story...


31 January 2025

A Burnt Out People

In the earliest days, before the world had hardened into kingdoms and laws, a wandering people left the lush Valley of Eden in search of a promised land. The valley of Eden had been fertile and rich with green pastures and streams that never ran dry, but a voice, a whisper in their hearts, had urged them onward.

"Go forth and claim the land beyond the horizon, where milk and honey flow, where your children will build cities that touch the skies", it said.

And so they did.

For many years they walked. They crossed rivers, scaled mountains, and pushed on through golden plains. Each dawn, they told their children that just beyond the next hill, the promised land awaited.

But when they reached the top of the last and highest mountain, their feet bruised, their faces battered. and their garments torn, they looked down and saw before them not a land of plenty, but a land of ruin and destruction.

The once-golden fields were blackened to ash, rivers had dried to cracked earth, and the swirling winds carried the bitter scent of acrid smoke. The promised land was no more, only barren and bare remained.

A great silence fell over them.

Then, turning back to their path, they looked upon their works to see what they had been blind to before: the land behind them, that too had turned to dust. Their valley, their Eden, their first home, was gone. The trees they had rested under were now charred stumps. The rivers they would drink from so abundantly were parched channels of mud.

There was no way forward. There was no way back.

One amongst them, the eldest, fell to his knees. "We were deceived," he whispered. "The journey itself was our undoing."

And so they stood, caught between ruin and regret, the last of their kind on a road that led nowhere.

And the voice that had led them turned silent.