Tuesday 8 October 2024


8 October 2024


Here are the top nine suspected factors, according to this article:

Obesity and metabolic syndrome

Ultra-processed foods

High sugar and processed food consumption

Sleep pattern changes

Artificial light exposure (including streetlights and mobile devices)

Microplastics exposure

Increased antibiotic use

Gut microbiome disruption

Opportunistic pathogens (e.g., Fusobacterium nucleatum and E. coli)

These factors are all being investigated as potential contributors to the rise in early-onset cancers among younger populations.

Looking more closely at the last two:

The argument concerning gut microbiome disruption and opportunistic pathogens like Fusobacterium nucleatum and E. coli is based on how alterations in the balance of gut bacteria can lead to increased cancer risk.

Gut microbiome disruption: Antibiotic overuse and poor diet (high in ultra-processed foods) can alter the natural balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This disruption may impair the immune system's ability to detect and eliminate abnormal cells, increasing cancer susceptibility.

Opportunistic pathogens: Certain bacteria, like Fusobacterium nucleatum and E. coli, can thrive when the gut microbiome is out of balance. These pathogens may promote cancer by invading gut tissues, driving inflammation, and even causing DNA damage, leading to the development and progression of cancers, particularly colorectal cancer.

This interaction between the microbiome and harmful bacteria highlights the importance of gut health in cancer prevention.


8 October 2024


1. Overview

A study by Savills, using census data, compiled a list of Britain's 50 most desirable towns. Factors considered include residents' job profiles, educational qualifications, health, and house prices. The South East dominates the list, with Harpenden in Hertfordshire ranking first.

2. Key Findings

Top towns in the South East: Harpenden, Cobham, and Beaconsfield lead the rankings. These towns attract wealthy families due to their proximity to London, good schools, and strong housing markets.

Northern standouts: Wilmslow (Cheshire) and Altrincham (Greater Manchester) show that not all the hotspots are near London. Wilmslow climbed eight spots from previous rankings.

New entries: Hurstpierpoint (West Sussex), Hitchin (Hertfordshire), and Bath made significant jumps in rankings.

3. Top 5 Towns

1. Harpenden, Herts: Well-educated population, excellent transport links, average house price £913,000.

2. Cobham, Surrey: Highest average property price at £1.4m, popular for its cafes and countryside.

3. Beaconsfield, Bucks: Pandemic-driven demand for larger homes, average price £1.17m.

4. Chorleywood, Herts: A village offering rural living with easy access to London, £1.1m average price.

5. Amersham, Bucks: Thriving market town with countryside appeal, £717,100 average price.

4. Other Notable Areas

Gerrards Cross (Bucks) and Berkhamsted (Herts) are popular commuter towns.

Hale (Trafford) and Altrincham (Greater Manchester) are standout northern entries, with thriving high streets and great schools.

5. Conclusion

These towns represent affluent areas with a high quality of life, appealing to families due to strong schools, desirable housing stock, and proximity to major cities.

Would you like more detailed information on any specific town from the list?


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Sunday 6 October 2024


6 October 2024

Here is Joseph Wang including geopolitics in his markets weekly report (and seems to be taking sides for the point of view of the investor, though he does say he's saddened by these developments in the Middle East).

The main point he is making is that Israel sees this as a generational opportunity and the window will likely be closed by the next presidential election. So if they're going to do anything they will do it now. "Now" means in the next couple of weeks!

But he doesn't actually go into what might be the effects of an all-out war between Israel backed by America, and Iran, on asset prices.

So in summary, here's what analysts, reading from previous wars, are saying we could expect:

1. Short-term sharp decline due to global uncertainty and market fear.
2. Oil price spike leading to higher costs, inflation, and pressure on corporate profits.
3. Sector-specific effects: Energy stocks may rise, while tech, consumer, and industrial sectors could face declines.
4. Safe-haven assets such as gold and US Treasuries would likely see inflows, while equities would experience outflows.
5. Long-term recovery possible, but dependent on the length and scale of the conflict and its impact on global trade and energy supplies.

Friday 4 October 2024


4 October 2024

Two items to discuss today: russophobia and the Monroe Doctrine

It is a mystery to many level-headed people as to why there is so much russophobia amongst Western elites, why the West persists in a war which it has so little chance of winning and why the political West, led by America, would risk escalation as far as the use of nuclear weapons and humanity's obliteration, rather than get real, reconsider and negotiate.

In a previous article we concluded that there isn't enough debate in the mainstream Media on whether this war might in actual fact be unwinnable and on the counter arguments and alternative strategies to war. The alternative to an open and honest debate is the veil of propaganda that is thrown over us by the mainstream Media. 

The irony is that politicians responsible for decisions on War and Peace, get most of their information from the MSM itself, ie by reading the newspapers they are believed to dictate to. In a recent article in The London Times, it was even alleged that British Prime Minister Starmer had "faced down" (sic) his own foreign office who recommend against firing missiles into Russia proper. 

It seems that we are condemned to a doom loop where the MSM continues the propaganda in favour of war, the politicians read this and escalate further, and the mainstream Media comes in to support these political decisions... supporting Einstein's definition of madness.

We must not allow this deadly embrace between politicians and MSM to consign us to oblivion. Who is responsible for handicapping debate and preventing a peaceful resolution: is it the Mainstream Media or is it the politicians?


Take the Monroe Doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine exemplifies America's long-standing ambition for global dominance, while its involvement in these endless wars highlights the persistent drive for control.

However, the rigid stance of Western politicians, or their so-called "resilience", in the face of harsh battlefield realities, reveals a stubborn inability to adjust to facts. 

Perhaps this is a manifestation of russophobia: that fear acquired in the 19th century when Britain was at the height of its power and felt threatened by Russia blocking their route to India, then in 1917 the Bolshevik revolution and a profound clash of ideologies, and more recently the Cold War and the West's push to get Russia out of Central Europe.

Rational leaders would surely recognise the growing opposition to their policies from the global South and the forces that are now building against them. Surely they see the need for a European security architecture ? Can European leaders not recognise the opportunities and benefits from commercial contracts with Russia? Of course they can, but politics first: must control, must dominate. Instead of clinging to failing policies and risking World War 3, politicians looking for success and recognition would surely seek compromise and negotiation.

Achieving a global consensus may be a more pragmatic approach to preserving influence in an increasingly multipolar world and may assure the politician of their page in history. What are the advisors telling them? Why are politicians ignoring the advisors?