Showing posts with label #Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Philosophy. Show all posts

Saturday 24 August 2024


24 August 2024 

 An observation that can be traced back through the centuries to an original thought from Plato.

It seems to be getting to the point where the rest of the world is not necessarily in great fear of the West anymore, on the contrary is more and more fed up with the interference in their lives, the chaos the West is responsible for and the violence against their peoples.

It also seems that in the face of any setback, all the West ever seems to do - and I include Israel and Ukraine, the EU ad UK, as well as America - all they do in the face of setbacks, is to "double down" to use that phrase. Democracy is not working as the leaderships are not interested in the people. America, the cause, is isolated geographically, it is Europe that is closest to the Middle East through the Mediterranean and Ukraine in East Europe.

So no hope it seems of the West stepping back from the conflicts, little prospect of their learning anything, all the rest of the world will ever get is endless violence and war, all sorts of irrational behaviour, driven by fear, greed, hatred, contempt and revenge.

What anyone watching these wildlife films gets is that whether it is a forest fire or an elder lion being mauled to death by younger members of the tribe, conflict is necessary to re-ordering, rebirth, reconstruction ... even welcome. Isn't that what happened after World War Two and isn't that also what happened after the Civil War in America? And what set off the French revolution?

Neil Howe, he of The Fourth Turning fame, makes this point:

So after the last world war people were generally glad, at least at the beginning, that there was a new Order, the American Order, with all those new institutions to informally rearrange the world.

So anyway all this to say that it does look like we are heading to war, whether Civil War or more likely with foreign powers, and this is the only way to rid ourselves of the little dung heap in Washington and start afresh.

What do you think of?