Showing posts with label #NATO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #NATO. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 June 2024


25 June 2024

Bare bones of an interesting PhD.

1. Introduction
NATO was created in 1949. 
2. Cold War Era
- Operation Gladio (1950s-1990s): A clandestine NATO operation to establish stay-behind armies in Western Europe.
- Reinforcement of Europe: Continuous deployment of troops and nuclear deterrents.
3. Post-Cold War Missions
3.1. Balkan Conflicts
- Operation Sharp Guard (1993-1996): Naval blockade of the former Yugoslavia to enforce UN sanctions.
- Operation Deny Flight (1993-1995): Enforced a no-fly zone over Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Operation Deliberate Force (1995): Air campaign against Bosnian Serb forces.
- Kosovo (1999): NATO's Operation Allied Force air campaign.
3.2. Afghanistan
- International Security Assistance Force (ISAF, 2001-2014): Post-9/11, NATO led efforts to defeat the Taliban.
- Resolute Support Mission (2015-2021): Training, advising, and assisting Afghan security forces.
3.3. Iraq
- NATO Training Mission-Iraq (2004-2011): Helped train Iraqi security forces during and after the US-led invasion.
- NATO Mission Iraq (2018-present): Ongoing mission to train Iraqi security forces to prevent the resurgence of ISIS.
4. Counter-Piracy and Anti-Terrorism
- Operation Ocean Shield (2009-2016): Combated piracy off the coast of Somalia.
- Operation Active Endeavour (2001-2016): Maritime operation in the Mediterranean to detect and deter terrorist activity post-9/11.
5. Humanitarian and Disaster Relief
- Pakistan Earthquake (2005): Provided logistics and support following earthquake.
- Hurricane Katrina (2005): Assisted the US with disaster relief efforts.
- Libya (2011): Operation Unified Protector during the war.
6. Recent and Ongoing Missions
- Baltic Air Policing (2004-present): NATO air patrols over Baltic states.
- Enhanced Forward Presence (2017-present): Rotational deployment of multinational battalion-sized battlegroups in Poland and the Baltic states.
- Support for Ukraine (2022-present): Assistance including training and support.