Showing posts with label #Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Marketing. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 August 2024


14 August 2024

Here, I want to look at new patterns in information consumption and focus a little on Gen Z, after all they are making the future. I will take VisualEconomik as an example of a company working this scene.

At first listen, VisualEconomik is an interesting channel for communicating economic history and trends and explaining thus in a social context. It is clean but fast diction, appealing but fast photography, professional but slick communication....the presenter, Josh, is a marketing guy who makes a great front-man for the socio-economists behind this channel.

VisualEconomik EN
"Where Data Meets Design"
(See my profile on VisualEconomik below.)

Gen Z (1997 - 2010) is VisualEconomik's target audience. Gen Z workers in business communication positions. Gen Z workers on the way up.  Gen Z workers looking to adapt to new ways to market their companies.

(See my profile on Gen Z below.)

Gen Z prefers visual content, like videos and memes, and tends to have shorter attention spans due to the constant influx of information online. They are entrepreneurial, many seeking alternative career paths through freelance, startups, online Josh here. 

Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook have dramatically transformed the way we communicate. We’re seeing a rapid rise in visual content overall, particularly in data visualisation within businesses.

Businesses are about money, economics, but rapid change means you need to see the social / marketing context, understand the demands and consequences, use innovative technology to adapt to evolving expectations and needs in how we send our messages.

So VisualEconomik offers to bridge a company's marketing dept, to its public, to the new generation entering their marketing/sales funnel ... at least that is how I read their offer.

This series on macroeconomics sets the context in which economies and companies function and thus opens a path for VisualEconomik to its target audience companies, on a "shtick" that says they can help their target audience adapt its marketing to new patterns in information consumption - "Where Data Meets Design" says it all.

That is my understanding, but what do you think?

Profile of VisualEconomik

Tagline: "Where Data Meets Design"

About VisualEconomik

VisualEconomik is a forward-thinking company that specialises in transforming complex economic data into visually engaging, easily digestible content. The company leverages cutting-edge design tools and data visualisation techniques to help businesses, policymakers, and educators present information in a way that is both impactful and accessible. 

In the era of the visual economy, where attention spans are short, and the demand for visual content is high, VisualEconomik stands out by bridging the gap between data analysis and visual communication - or to put it in more commercial terms, if we focus on the needs of gen Z, VisualEconomik helps put what the marketing department wants to say into a format its younger public can best understand. But of course its speciality is turning numbers into pictures and words, and this applies across all communication needs.

The company’s offerings include interactive dashboards, infographics, and multimedia presentations, all designed to convey key insights quickly and clearly. 

"Whether you’re a business needing to present data to stakeholders or a teacher looking to make economic concepts more relatable, VisualEconomik provides the tools and expertise to make your message resonate visually."

Profile of Gen Z

Gen Z Characteristics

Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2010, is the first generation to grow up with the internet and smartphones, making them digital natives. They are highly tech-savvy and comfortable with a wide range of digital platforms, from social media to online learning tools. 

This generation values authenticity and transparency, favouring brands that are socially responsible and align with their values. To understand Gen Z, look at thoe values - they are more likely to support causes related to the environment, social justice, and diversity. 

Gen Z prefers visual content, like videos and memes, and tends to have shorter attention spans due to the constant influx of information online. They are also entrepreneurial, with many seeking alternative career paths through startups or online platforms.

Mental health is a significant concern for Gen Z, with a strong emphasis on work-life balance and personal well-being. They are pragmatic, financially cautious, and often sceptical of traditional institutions, including government and large corporations.

In summary, Gen Z is a digitally driven, socially conscious, and pragmatic generation with the values you'd expect of youth across all generations: authenticity, transparency, diversity.... As a digitally-savvy generation, they are reshaping the way we think about work, communication, and social responsibility.