Showing posts with label #Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Election. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 August 2024


7 August 2024

It seems this all started with abuse towards black football players, then came BLM.

I get why the authorities are concerned - they need to maintain public order. However, they’re also to blame for this mess. Why did they allow two cultures to compete in the same space for the same resources? It's asking for trouble. Minorities are no longer just symbols for liberal causes, they have grown in number and are now seen as a threat to the majority native public, especially to those who are struggling financially.

Here is a point of view where the native British population are in fact barbarous white supremacists - it's very well explained, but up to you as to whether you agree with it or not.

In the end, the authorities often resort to heavy-handed tactics to control the disturbances. It's like we're seeing a version of Gaza here. Right now, it’s just the authorities mowing social media, but do you think it will stop there?

America’s actions in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria, displaced many young men of questionable character and skills. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve strengthened the backbone of Muslim communities already in Europe.

Officials have made disastrous policy mistakes, often influenced by private interests. This isn't democracy. As people understand and spread this knowledge, public anger will likely grow.

I sympathise with authorities using the tools at hand, like police and social workers, but punishing free speech with prison terms won’t solve the root problem. Free speech is a fundamental human right in the West.

The stone in the shoe that is irritating people up and down the country seems to be the influx of boat people and the strain they put on resources. Long-time taxpayers are struggling while newcomers consume public funds. If this was seen as an invasion rather than migration, different actions could be taken.

In a true democracy, there should be a way through Parliament for these so-called rioters to voice their opinions. Hate speech legislation isn’t the answer.

I believe the era of single-party dominance is over, the first past the post electoral system is no longer producing representative government. Reality is, we’re now in a multi-party state, but our voting system doesn’t support it. We need to overhaul the system and ensure those in power are qualified to operate it.