2 December 2024
Alistair Crooke argues that Washington clings to the "end of history" belief in eternal American hegemony, driven by a quasi-religious faith in liberal democracy as global salvation. He contrasts this narrative-driven Western mindset with the reality-driven approaches of Russia and China, predicting eventual crises unless compromise, humility, and realism are embraced.
Alistair Crooke makes a couple of interesting points. He says that the end of history theme (meme), following the collapse of the Soviet Union is still strong in Washington; and he also says that there is this quasi religious belief that the world is on an upward path towards salvation, salvation that only a liberal democracy can offer. Well, same thing said two different ways: American hegemony is eternal.
Or put it another way, the American military is the strongest in the world and America will prevail.
So this is a root of what we recognise as delusional thinking. Aswhere, reality is that we are in a multipolar world and we are getting back to the old idea of sovereign states, rather than being vassels of an American empire.
Maybe the Empire has another 10 or 20 years, if it continues down this road. Maybe more realistic is to think that it would be possible to negotiate a few compromises and prolong that hegemony, just by sharing a bit, by listening, by conceding something to a common good.
Anyway... It's the usual argument that we are familiar with, which is that the west is narrative-driven while russia and I guess china are reality-driven.
On the one hand, we have "the art of the deal" Trump who thinks that you can go in and start shaking sticks, and then in this atmosphere of fear, cut a deal
And yet there's also the hope that Trump will permit some debate i.e. listen and understand the point of view of the other side, ie introduce a glimmer of reality.
More likely is that there is all this excitement and hope that Trump will overcome and solve our problems, and then there'll be the honeymoon period.
But by Q225, imho, we'll find ourselves back in crisis with the realisation that debt and the deep state are still there and that, actually, Trump is their new spokesperson, that's all.
The trouble with soaring on the wings of your dreams is that you risk getting burnt and the only place you have to land, is in the sea of reality!
Bit gloomy? Happy Christmas!