Showing posts with label #China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #China. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 January 2025


23 January 2025

Nelson Wong is Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Centre for RimPac and International Studies and leads the daily operation of this private think tank in China. He is also Chairman and Managing Director of the ACN Worldwide group of companies, and sits on the board of Recon Technology Ltd., a NASDAQ-listed company, as an independent director and chairs its audit committee.

This is Nelson Wong's message.

After all these years, I still believe there is a huge misunderstanding about China, because for the last 500 years, when China's doors were relatively closed to the outside world, Western dominance and their interpretation of everything was taken for granted by many. 

Even today, when the rise of China gets mentioned and talked about every now and then, many people still don't really get what China is all about. 

I'm not saying this to blame the West only. I think China itself also has the responsibility to narrow the difference of opinions and perceptions and to promote a better understanding with each other. It's always a two-way traffic. 

So there are a few things that I would put across the table for us to discuss. The way I see it, there is a big misunderstanding. So I'd like to put three points to start with. 

Point number one. We are who we are and it's almost impossible for anybody to change China. Yes, we're forever interested to learn what is more advanced and in technology and what's better in terms of modernity. But there has always been a strong inner drive to keep our own cultures and values because we believe that it is these roots and traditions that have allowed us to survive thousands of years as a nation. And yes, we respect and appreciate the achievements of others, but that doesn't mean we want to be like them. This is something that people sometimes don't get right: the people who live on this land are Chinese and that won't change. 

Something that it's worth mentioning is that we've come a long way and we teach our children to remember our history, and this tradition has been passed on from generation to generation. 

If I may say something, we are a culturally proud people and for that matter, we are perhaps culturally stubborn as well sometimes. 

So when we're looking at or discussing what is happening in other countries or in global politics, Chinese politicians and scholars will quite often make a reference to, or compare with, some anecdotes found in our own history. This happens quite often, particularly in discussions from writings domestically, and it's perhaps something that the outside world is not aware of. 

So the point I'm trying to make is that if people in the West think that many Chinese want to be American or European, they've got it wrong and are wide of the mark. 

A second point I want to make, and this is something I think is quite important for people to understand, is that if we had been a weak nation that didn't have a strong culture and were able to fight for our survival, we wouldn't have been here for so long, occupying such a huge land mass. As Chinese, we are constantly reminded by our seniors and teachers that being backward means being vulnerable and would make it easy to be oppressed and destroyed, and that's why we must keep learning and working hard. 

So we believe that to be humble, respectable and courteous is the way to learn from others. 

We also celebrate restraint as a virtue and consider hasty responses and the act of blunt confrontation to be immature and unsophisticated. 

And that's why when China gets provoked sometimes, it does not react or fight back immediately. If people take this as being weak or vulnerable, they get it wrong, because in defending our national interest and sovereignty, we're deadly and uncompromising fighters.

Thirdly, there is another point I want to say. We Chinese are taught since early childhood that "man on earth, good at first", which means that we are of the belief that anything evil in us might be the result of something we've been taught wrongly, or something bad we've picked up by mistake as we grew up. 

And that's why we pause for self-reflection and are patient and always want to try and bring out the good side of the human conscience and hope that other people will in time appreciate our good intentions. We don't see things as black or white. We recognise the diversity of cultures and civilisations and we understand that people are different. But that should not stop us from working to minimise our differences to achieve co-existence, because we believe that a real gentleman seeks to get along with others while he does not necessarily have to agree with them. That's from Confucius. We all know this. 

So that's why the notion that you are either with me or against me is usually frowned upon in China. 

So I think these are the three points that I would like to make for anybody trying to better know or understand China and the Chinese and how we behave. 


Setelah bertahun-tahun, saya masih percaya bahwa ada kesalahpahaman besar tentang China, karena selama 500 tahun terakhir, ketika pintu China relatif tertutup bagi dunia luar, dominasi Barat dan interpretasi mereka tentang segala sesuatu dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang wajar oleh banyak orang.

Bahkan hari ini, ketika kebangkitan China disebutkan dan dibicarakan dari waktu ke waktu, banyak orang masih tidak benar-benar memahami apa itu China.

Saya tidak mengatakan ini hanya untuk menyalahkan Barat. Saya pikir China sendiri juga memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mempersempit perbedaan pendapat dan persepsi serta mempromosikan pemahaman yang lebih baik satu sama lain. Ini selalu menjadi hubungan dua arah.

Jadi ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya sampaikan untuk kita diskusikan. Menurut saya, ada kesalahpahaman besar. Jadi, saya ingin menyampaikan tiga poin sebagai permulaan.

Poin pertama. Kami adalah siapa kami, dan hampir tidak mungkin bagi siapa pun untuk mengubah China.
Ya, kami selalu tertarik untuk mempelajari apa yang lebih maju dalam teknologi dan apa yang lebih baik dalam hal modernitas. Namun, selalu ada dorongan kuat dari dalam untuk menjaga budaya dan nilai-nilai kami sendiri karena kami percaya bahwa akar dan tradisi inilah yang memungkinkan kami bertahan ribuan tahun sebagai sebuah bangsa. Dan ya, kami menghormati dan menghargai pencapaian orang lain, tetapi itu tidak berarti kami ingin menjadi seperti mereka. Ini adalah sesuatu yang kadang-kadang tidak dipahami oleh orang-orang: orang-orang yang tinggal di tanah ini adalah orang China, dan itu tidak akan berubah.

Perlu disebutkan bahwa kami telah menempuh perjalanan panjang dan kami mengajarkan anak-anak kami untuk mengingat sejarah kami, dan tradisi ini telah diteruskan dari generasi ke generasi.

Jika saya boleh mengatakan sesuatu, kami adalah bangsa yang bangga secara budaya, dan dalam hal ini, mungkin kami juga kadang-kadang keras kepala secara budaya.

Jadi ketika kami melihat atau mendiskusikan apa yang terjadi di negara lain atau dalam politik global, politisi dan cendekiawan China sering kali membuat referensi atau perbandingan dengan beberapa anekdot yang ditemukan dalam sejarah kami sendiri. Ini sering terjadi, terutama dalam diskusi di tulisan-tulisan domestik, dan mungkin ini adalah sesuatu yang tidak diketahui oleh dunia luar.

Jadi poin yang ingin saya sampaikan adalah bahwa jika orang-orang di Barat berpikir bahwa banyak orang China ingin menjadi orang Amerika atau Eropa, mereka salah besar dan jauh dari kenyataan.

Poin kedua yang ingin saya sampaikan, dan saya pikir ini cukup penting untuk dipahami oleh orang-orang, adalah bahwa jika kami adalah bangsa yang lemah yang tidak memiliki budaya yang kuat dan tidak mampu memperjuangkan kelangsungan hidup kami, kami tidak akan berada di sini selama ini, menghuni wilayah daratan yang begitu luas.
Sebagai orang China, kami selalu diingatkan oleh para senior dan guru kami bahwa menjadi terbelakang berarti menjadi rentan dan akan memudahkan kami untuk ditindas dan dihancurkan. Karena itu, kami harus terus belajar dan bekerja keras.

Kami percaya bahwa kerendahan hati, rasa hormat, dan kesopanan adalah cara untuk belajar dari orang lain.

Kami juga merayakan pengendalian diri sebagai sebuah kebajikan dan menganggap tanggapan yang terburu-buru serta tindakan konfrontasi langsung sebagai hal yang tidak dewasa dan tidak canggih.

Itulah sebabnya ketika China kadang-kadang diprovokasi, China tidak bereaksi atau melawan secara langsung. Jika orang-orang menganggap ini sebagai tanda kelemahan atau kerentanan, mereka salah besar, karena dalam mempertahankan kepentingan nasional dan kedaulatan kami, kami adalah pejuang yang mematikan dan tak kenal kompromi.

Poin ketiga, ada hal lain yang ingin saya sampaikan. Sejak kecil, kami orang China diajarkan bahwa "manusia di bumi pada dasarnya baik", yang berarti kami percaya bahwa segala kejahatan dalam diri kita mungkin merupakan hasil dari ajaran yang salah atau sesuatu yang buruk yang secara tidak sengaja kita pelajari saat kita tumbuh dewasa.

Itulah mengapa kami berhenti untuk refleksi diri, bersabar, dan selalu berusaha untuk mengeluarkan sisi baik dari hati nurani manusia dan berharap bahwa orang lain pada akhirnya akan menghargai niat baik kami. Kami tidak melihat segala sesuatu dalam hitam dan putih. Kami mengakui keberagaman budaya dan peradaban, dan kami memahami bahwa orang-orang itu berbeda. Namun, itu tidak seharusnya menghentikan kami untuk berusaha meminimalkan perbedaan kami guna mencapai koeksistensi, karena kami percaya bahwa seorang pria sejati berusaha untuk bergaul dengan orang lain meskipun dia tidak harus setuju dengan mereka. Itu berasal dari Konfusius. Kami semua tahu ini.

Itulah sebabnya gagasan bahwa Anda harus "bersama saya atau melawan saya" biasanya dianggap buruk di China.

Jadi menurut saya, ini adalah tiga poin yang ingin saya sampaikan kepada siapa pun yang mencoba untuk lebih mengenal atau memahami China, orang China, dan cara kami bertindak.

Tuesday, 10 January 2023



Les États-Unis « subiraient de lourdes pertes dans la guerre de Taiwan, mais la Chine risque la défaite »

La marine de Pékin serait en "pagaille", Washington perdant plus de 3 000 soldats, selon une simulation de groupe de réflexion

Des hélicoptères militaires chinois survolent l'île de Pingtan, l'un des points les plus proches de Taïwan en Chine continentale, le 4 août 2022

Une hypothétique invasion chinoise de Taïwan en 2026 échouerait mais les États-Unis perdraient deux porte-avions qui la défendent, selon la dernière simulation.

La marine chinoise serait laissée en "pagaille" tandis que Taïwan et le Japon subiraient également des pertes importantes , selon un jeu de guerre joué par un groupe de réflexion de premier plan à Washington.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) conducted one of the most complex war games yet, called The First Battle of the Next War.

It showed about 10,000 Chinese troops would be killed, with tens of thousands more becoming prisoners of war.

China would also be expected to lose about 138 ships and 155 aircraft, according to the simulation.

The US and Japan would also lose dozens of ships and hundreds of aircraft, which would "damage the US global position for many years".

It showed about 3,200 US troops would be killed in a three-week fight. The simulation was run 24 times to see who was most likely to win.

While the US would emerge victorious, in most cases the US Navy lost two aircraft carriers.

War 'not inevitable'

Taiwan would see its military "severely degraded" with all its destroyers and frigates sunk, while Japan would lose more than 100 aircraft and 26 ships, according to the report.

The report concluded a war over Taiwan was not "inevitable".

It said: “The Chinese leadership might adopt a strategy of diplomatic isolation, grey zone pressure, or economic coercion against Taiwan."

Mark Cancian, a senior adviser at CSIS, told CNN: “There’s no unclassified war game out there looking at the US-China conflict. Of the games that are unclassified, they’re usually only done once or twice."

In a large-scale war game in 2020, the Pentagon reportedly found the US risked being defeated by having its information systems knocked out.

However, in a later war game, the US Air Force secured victory.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022


26 July 2022

Mercurius is right when he says ( that all the warning lights are flashing in Europe (collapse of the Euro...see next post), in Ukraine likely to be the most disastrous of all American foreign policy Adventures), the American economy (( the impossible choice between deep and long recession and hyperinflation and destruction of the currency) and why on earth would America want to start a new conflagration with China?

From the history book, in 1971 ambassador George Bush proposed dual recognition of Taiwan and the PRC as a way to keep Taiwan in the UN but both sides rejected this. Even so, Nixon in his 1972 "week that changed the world" visit to China and meeting with Mao Zedong, kept up recognition of Taiwan. Nixon was a strong anti-communist and the purpose of that visit was to pull China away from Russia. Nixon was then swamped with Watergate.

It was Jimmy Carter - not known as America's strongest president - who in 1979 dropped Taiwan and recognised China as the sole representative of the Chinese people. ...without any good reason as what could China have done then, as now, other than grumble? 

The next American initiative was when Clinton welcomed Deng Xiaoping to America in 1979. Surprising to us today, the main or the most important outcome of that visit was Deng's warning to America (sic) that it, that Carter, should not appease Russia, or seek not to offend Russia, because this would just encourage Russia's world hegemonic ambitions.

This opened both countries to closer trade relations and led to get China's admission to the World Trade Organisation in September 2001 after 15 years of negotiations. The economic growth that came from China selling into America middle-class resulted in its position today as as the world's second largest economy by GDP.

But should we be seeing the subject of pelosi's visit to China as America calling China's bluff and how this flouts the first rule of diplomacy vis-a-vis to China - your bluff will always be called by the Chinese? Because maybe it's more about America ending its policy of "strategic ambiguity" (where relations between countries and Taiwan continue, though not officially; and an official future status of Taiwan is never discussed) and acting independently and on its own initiative. 

Given the rising level of threat, America doesnt want to be seen simply reacting to Beijing, as though Beijing determines American foreign policy.

Inaddition, Taiwan is important to America, not just for its advanced microchip factories, but as a longtime ally, with Japan and South Korea, in East Asia and thus to Americas containment policy towards China.

As remarked by John J Mearsheimer, America will not accept any competition or constraints or threats of any kind in any region of the world.. not even from the Solomon Islands.

So this trip is more about America's "splendid isolation", which could actually qualify as a peace role!!!

Yes, America sailing a frigate through the Taiwan Straits and now sending the house speaker to a supposedly neutral country is provocative. As is China threatening the security of the American speaker of the house. And obviously America is not going to let Chinese ultimatums decide its policy or Freedom of manoeuvre. 

Getting serious for a moment, can you imagine America's reaction if Pelosi's plane were shot down or even if it were prevented from entering Taiwanese airspace? So what can China do and given hostilities between America and china it would not be surprising if this president recognised Taiwan.

There are plenty of good reasons to co-operate with China, from climate change to trade, but these are all shared benefits.

I read that there is a 1933 Montevideo Convention which establishes the conditions for "statehood," : defined territory, stable population, functioning government, and some independence over foreign policy. Taiwan meets them all. Plus the popular vote in Taiwan is for independence and there is no one unless sent by the PRC in Taiwan supporting reunification. 

So what is holding America back from recognising Taiwan if it isn't Beijing opposition?

Monday, 17 May 2021


Rod writes 

A view i have held and spoken of for 20 years. The danger is that a state organised as China will seek to deflect the inevitable domestic upheaval against and threatneing the hegmony of the CCP by foreign 'adventures'. Prepare for world war 3. 


The strategy is a big big fireworks party for 2049, so maybe you're right about war.

China is trying to clear the gun rails this decade, in preparation.

But it's a war it will lose. And more likely if it starts to seriously challenge the USA, its a war the US will start. The US will never never, but never, tolerate a rival, not even a regional hegemon.

The real risk to world peace comes from a US bent on converting the world to its model of Liberal democracy.