Showing posts with label #Architecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Architecture. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 December 2024


29 December 2024

1. Overview of the Rectangular-Shaped City Construction Theory

The theory explains how Chiang Mai, a rectangular city, was constructed using ancient methods to align its walls and moat with the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

It draws on advanced techniques involving sunlight, shadows, and precise measurements, reflecting the wisdom of ancient civilisations.


2. Key Principles

Alignment with Cardinal Directions:

The city's layout aligns perfectly with the four cardinal points for accuracy and symbolic meaning.

Use of Shadows and Geometry:

The process relies on the shadow of a pole to determine the directions.

Triangular measurement tools (Jua) and ropes are used to calculate positions and create squares.


3. Step-by-Step Process

1. Levelling the Ground:

A large flat area is created for accurate measurements.

A pole (14 metres) is set vertically using plumb lines.

2. Marking Shadows:

The shadow of the pole is traced throughout the day.

Positions at morning and afternoon are used to create a curved shadow line.

3. Establishing Directions:

Ropes are used to stretch diagonally from morning and afternoon shadow points to identify cardinal directions.

A plus-sign-like layout is created for further staking.

4. Square Layout:

A square is drawn using stakes and ropes, centred on the crossing point of cardinal directions.

5. Expanding the Layout:

Additional calculations extend the square into larger shapes to define the city’s moat and walls.


4. Significance

The process ensures:

Highly accurate city planning.

Symbolic alignment with the cosmos and cultural beliefs.

Practicality for defence and urban organisation.

5. Application

This method was used not only for Chiang Mai but also reflects broader Eastern architectural practices like Angkor Wat.

It highlights the sophisticated understanding of geometry and astronomy in ancient city planning.

29 Desember 2024

1. Gambaran Teori Konstruksi Kota Berbentuk Persegi Panjang

Teori ini menjelaskan bagaimana Chiang Mai, sebuah kota berbentuk persegi panjang, dibangun menggunakan metode kuno untuk menyelaraskan tembok dan paritnya dengan arah mata angin utama (utara, selatan, timur, barat).

Teori ini memanfaatkan teknik canggih yang melibatkan sinar matahari, bayangan, dan pengukuran yang presisi, mencerminkan kebijaksanaan peradaban kuno.


2. Prinsip Utama

Penyelarasan dengan Arah Mata Angin:

Tata letak kota ini selaras sempurna dengan empat titik mata angin utama untuk memastikan akurasi dan makna simbolis.

Penggunaan Bayangan dan Geometri:

Prosesnya bergantung pada bayangan sebuah tiang untuk menentukan arah.

Alat pengukur berbentuk segitiga (Jua) dan tali digunakan untuk menghitung posisi dan membuat bentuk persegi.


3. Proses Langkah demi Langkah

1. Meratakan Tanah:

Sebuah area datar yang luas dibuat untuk pengukuran yang akurat.

Sebuah tiang (14 meter) didirikan secara vertikal menggunakan garis tegak lurus.

2. Menandai Bayangan:

Bayangan tiang dilacak sepanjang hari.

Posisi bayangan pagi dan sore digunakan untuk menciptakan garis bayangan melengkung.

3. Menentukan Arah:

Tali digunakan untuk meregang secara diagonal dari titik bayangan pagi dan sore untuk mengidentifikasi arah mata angin.

Tata letak seperti tanda tambah dibuat untuk penancapan lebih lanjut.

4. Membuat Tata Letak Persegi:

Sebuah persegi digambar menggunakan patok dan tali, dengan pusat pada titik perpotongan arah mata angin.

5. Memperluas Tata Letak:

Perhitungan tambahan memperluas persegi menjadi bentuk yang lebih besar untuk menentukan parit dan tembok kota.


4. Pentingnya Proses

Proses ini memastikan:

Perencanaan kota yang sangat akurat.

Penyelarasan simbolis dengan kosmos dan keyakinan budaya.

Kepraktisan untuk pertahanan dan organisasi perkotaan.


5. Penerapan

Metode ini digunakan tidak hanya untuk Chiang Mai tetapi juga mencerminkan praktik arsitektur Timur yang lebih luas, seperti Angkor Wat.

Hal ini menunjukkan pemahaman yang canggih tentang geometri dan astronomi dalam perencanaan kota kuno.

Wednesday, 18 January 2023


18 January 2023

Nicosia is "the last divided capital in Europe". It is a city with 16th century city walls and a moat and a new park in the dry moat.

Amongst the many modern buildings of Nicosia today, there is Eleftheria square, known as Freedom Park. Freedom meaning freedom from invaders, notably the Turks, and the possibility for the Greek Cypriot population to live an independent life. But also, freedom in the sense of one unified island where Greek and Turkish Cypriots live togethet under one integrated, autonomous Cypriot government.  

This park was designed by famous Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid on the site of a previous park. The purpose of the park is to celebrate the theme of unity, as described above. 

The new square is a sinewy concrete landscape of six mini waterways that draw together to create strange points of "intensity" where seating and flower-beds and sculptures are found. These lines come together under a canopy of motorway-type arches that support a pedestrian walkway above. This bridge joins the medieval city* to the barrio of outer districts. There are two sleek and swish cafés.There are stairs up giving access to the bus station.

There is also a giant cypress cone sculpture ornament, displaying its scales alternately in corten and galvanised steel, telling us the two peoples can live together in peace as they did before. This sculpture, interestingly, is the work of a student of computational design. (The Gherkin too?)

Invaded like Byzantium, and for the same reason: protection against an Ottoman Turk invasion and Cyprus suffered the same fate as Constantinople: defeat.

Nicosia was in divided in 1974 when Turks invaded again, now "to protect their own" (today, we think of Russia invading Ukraine).

The architect's idea is to make a beautiful park that reveals clearly and makes stand out the city walls, an important part of Nicosia's true identity; and to mix this with a futuristic vision that can re-unite the two halves of the city, and its two peoples The hope is that more areas of the moat will follow and be made into green space, and that all these parks will join up to encircle the city, replacing the UN green line through the middle of Nicosia, with a green all-embracing band, sharing health and nature, thereby reuniting the city under a banner of common humanity.

* The medieval city was extended during the 20th century beyond its circular Venetian walls and the old town within them was then rebuilt. least, that is how I read it.

That is the vision!