Sunday 1 September 2024


1 September 2024


The United States provides Israel with $3.8 billion annually in military aid, which is given, not lent. This support is rooted in strategic, political, and ideological reasons. 

Israel is a key ally in the Middle East, helping the US maintain regional stability, safeguard oil supplies, and counter threats from hostile states like Iran. 

The aid also strengthens the US-Israel military and intelligence partnership, supports Israel's role as a stabilising democratic force, and reflects a historical commitment to ensuring Israel's security. 

Additionally, the strong domestic political support for Israel in the US, combined with mutual benefits in defence and technology, further justifies this ongoing assistance.

1. Strategic Alliance and Regional Influence

- Military and Intelligence Cooperation: The United States uses its close alliance with Israel to maintain a strategic foothold in the Middle East. Israel's military capabilities and advanced intelligence services are key assets for the US, helping to monitor and counter potential threats from other regional powers like Iran, which could disrupt oil supplies and trade routes.

- Technological and Defence Collaboration: Israel is a major partner in the development and testing of advanced military technologies, including missile defence systems like Iron Dome. These technologies not only protect Israel but also enhance US military capabilities in the region, ensuring the protection of vital interests like oil infrastructure and shipping lanes.

2. Securing Oil Supplies and Trade Routes

- Regional Stability: By supporting Israel, the US helps ensure a balance of power in the Middle East that discourages aggressive moves by other states that could threaten the flow of oil. Israel’s military strength acts as a deterrent against regional conflicts that could disrupt oil supplies.

- Protection of Shipping Lanes: The Middle East’s trade routes, especially through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Hormuz, are crucial for global oil shipments. The US, through its alliance with Israel, helps ensure these routes remain open and secure. Israel’s location provides a strategic advantage, allowing the US to project power and respond quickly to threats in these critical areas.

3. Geopolitical Leverage

- Countering Regional Rivals: Israel serves as a counterbalance to countries like Iran and Syria, which may oppose US interests. By supporting Israel, the US can exert pressure on these rivals and contain their influence, which is crucial for maintaining control over the region’s resources and political landscape.

- Influence on Arab States: The US-Israel relationship also influences other Arab states. While many of these states historically viewed Israel as an adversary, the shifting alliances, especially in recent years with the Abraham Accords, have seen some Arab states normalise relations with Israel under US mediation. This bolsters US influence over these countries and helps secure their cooperation in maintaining regional stability and oil flows.

4. Maintaining US Hegemony

- Power Projection: Israel is a key ally in the US strategy to maintain its hegemony in the Middle East. The presence of a strong, technologically advanced ally like Israel allows the US to project its power across the region, deterring adversaries and ensuring that the region remains under US influence.

- Diplomatic Leverage: The US leverages its support for Israel in international forums to maintain its broader geopolitical objectives in the Middle East. By positioning itself as Israel’s primary ally, the US gains significant diplomatic influence, which it uses to shape regional politics and protect its interests, including the uninterrupted supply of oil and the security of trade routes.

5. Conclusion

- Comprehensive Strategy: The US uses its relationship with Israel as a multifaceted strategy to ensure its control over the Middle East. This includes safeguarding oil supplies, keeping trade routes open, counterbalancing regional rivals, and maintaining its geopolitical dominance. Israel's strategic location, military prowess, and intelligence capabilities are critical to these efforts, making it an indispensable ally in America's broader Middle East policy.

Extent of US Financial Aid to Israel

1. US Financial Aid to Israel

- The United States provides Israel with approximately $3 billion annually in aid. This figure is mostly in the form of military assistance, and it is given, not lent, meaning Israel does not have to repay this money.

- Details of the Aid:

  - Military Assistance: The bulk of the aid is provided through the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program, which Israel uses to purchase American-made military equipment and services. This strengthens Israel’s defence capabilities and ensures that the country maintains a qualitative military edge over its regional adversaries.

  - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): In 2016, the US and Israel signed a ten-year MOU, covering fiscal years 2019-2028, which pledges $38 billion in military aid over this period. This equates to roughly $3.8 billion annually, slightly more than the previous agreements.

2. Reasons for US Aid to Israel

- Strategic Alliance:
  - Regional Stability: Israel is a key ally in the Middle East, a region of critical importance due to its strategic location and vast oil reserves. The US views Israel as a stabilising force in a volatile region. By ensuring Israel’s security, the US helps maintain stability in the Middle East, which is vital for global energy supplies and trade routes.

  - Military and Intelligence Partnership: Israel provides the US with valuable intelligence on regional threats, including terrorist groups and hostile states like Iran. The military aid helps Israel act as a deterrent against these threats, indirectly contributing to US security interests.

- Political and Ideological Reasons:

  - Support for a Democratic Ally: Israel is often referred to as the only stable democracy in the Middle East, ( even while the non-Jewish population does not play a significant part in electing governments and determining Israeli government policies). The US sees supporting Israel as part of its broader mission to promote democracy and human rights around the world, even though this narrative is debated and contested in various circles.

  - Domestic Political Support: There is strong bipartisan support for Israel in the US Congress, influenced by a combination of factors, including the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups like AIPAC, cultural and religious ties, and the importance of the Jewish-American community in US politics.

- Historical and Moral Commitment:

  - Post-Holocaust Support: The US has historically supported Israel since its founding in 1948, partly as a response to the horrors of the Holocaust. This support has been framed as a moral obligation to ensure the security of the Jewish people.

- Economic and Technological Collaboration:

  - Technological Exchange: Israel is a leader in high-tech innovation and defence technology. The close relationship between the two countries fosters collaboration in these areas, benefiting both US and Israeli industries. A significant portion of the military aid is spent on US defence contractors, which bolsters the American defence industry.

3. Conclusion

- Comprehensive Benefits for the US: The US provides Israel with $3 billion annually, largely because it sees Israel as a strategic ally that helps maintain stability in the Middle East, supports US security interests, and aligns with American political and ideological values. The aid is a reflection of the deep and multifaceted relationship between the two nations, underpinned by both strategic considerations and a strong domestic political consensus.


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