Friday 13 September 2024


13 September 2024

America's foreign policy caused massive migrations from the Middle East and Afghanistan into Europe, while drought and famine in Africa had the same effect.

The percentage (quoting official sources, but how accurate are they?) of foreign born residents varies from 8% in Italy, 10% in France, through 18% in Germany to 20% in Sweden*.

Cultural, religious and language problems, rejection by the people of Liberal elite policies of forever war and open-door immigration, the low skill profile of most immigrants, all combine to create multiple economic, social and political problems, in particular unemployment, pressure on infrastructure, social tensions and non-integration, and the rise of Populism. 

You could probably get cancelled for saying that multiculturalism hasn't worked and integration hasn't worked either. Certain groups of migrants who refuse to adapt to their new life in "christian liberal democratic" are met with a non-acceptance by the native peoples.

Now Sweden is offering to pay migrants up to 30,000 Euros, amongst numerous other measures, to return to their country of origin. 

Do you think it will work and do you think it could be applied to other countries in Europe?

Overview of the population and immigration figures for Sweden and Cyprus

1. Sweden

Native Population: As of 2023, Sweden's population is approximately 10.5 million.

Immigrant Arrivals: Sweden has experienced a large influx of immigrants, particularly since the 2015 refugee crisis. In 2022, Sweden received around 16,000 asylum seekers, a significant decrease compared to the 2015 peak of over 163,000. In terms of total foreign-born residents, around 20% of Sweden's population is foreign-born, one of the highest percentages in Europe.

2. Cyprus

Native Population: The population of Cyprus is approximately 1.2 million.

Immigrant Arrivals: Cyprus has seen increasing immigration pressures in recent years, especially from asylum seekers. In 2022, Cyprus reported over 20,000 asylum applications, making it one of the highest per capita receivers of asylum seekers in Europe. Foreign-born residents constitute about 17-20% of the population.

The problens of mmigration into Cyprus stem largely from its location at the crossroads between Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The country has seen an influx of asylum seekers and migrants, particularly from conflict zones such as Syria and Lebanon. This has led to overcrowding in reception centres, challenges in providing adequate social services, and tensions with local communities. 

Cyprus also faces illegal migration via Turkey and the Turkish-controlled northern part of the island, exacerbating the situation. Unlike larger European countries, Cyprus has limited resources to handle large-scale immigration, creating significant strain on its welfare system and infrastructure


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