This article busts the myth that Putin is coming to get us.
And in future myth-busters, we will undo the idea that Putin is in some way a dictator, that Russia is on the brink of economic collapse due to sanctions and internal mismanagement, that the Russian military is incompetent, poorly equipped and managed and its soldiers are ill-trained and cowardly, and that Russia is isolated on the global stage due to Western sanctions and its actions in Ukraine.
Everyone knows of these myths, some don't believe them at all, but what's interesting is the reasons, often little known, as to why they are untrue.

Russian troops picnicing in Westminster

- Is Russia intending to invade Europe?
The classic Western mainstream narrative is that Putin has imperial plans, although there is no evidence on the public record of this.
How could Russia conquer these vast additional territories - often in the subsidised media it is argued that Putin has ambitions stretching as far as London !
How could Russia realistically subdue hundreds of millions of foreigners, in hostile populations? How could Putin break their governments and destroy their militaries - he's having trouble enough in just the east of Ukraine.
- What a ridiculous idea!
This is completely ridiculous and stretches credulity much further than the WMD scare.
- However, what might happen ...
Consider the devastating impact of recent Russian airstrikes on Ukraine, which have targeted air defenses and critical infrastructure, leading to a significant degradation of living conditions.
As a result, many Ukrainians, particularly those with the means, have been fleeing the country, and the situation may become untenable this winter, prompting further mass migration to Europe of the remainder.
- Consequences of trying to shoehorn Ukraine into NATO
a) A large portion of Ukraine's western slavic population flees to Europe, where they are warmly received, especially by UK governments
b) Putin is in effect "cleansing" Ukraine of opposition through these severe measures
c) Ukraine will never join NATO, which was the cause of the conflict
d) Putin will stop at Ukraine's western border, given the hostile populations beyond
e) This will mark the end of this phase of the conflict.
- Conclusion
Russian troops visiting the Tower of London
We won't be seeing Russian troops marching down the streets of London any time soon, but we can expect and should prepare for, tens of millions of ordinary Ukrainian migrants this winter.
Ukrainian refugees camping near the London Eye
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