Friday 23 August 2024


23 August 2024

You know about this allegory then? Yes. To read the original or watch this YouTube is quite a life-changing experience. The story Plato tells is so simple to follow, but if you like it and want to go deeper there's more to find in here

The Matrix does a great job of updating Plato's allegory into modern terms.

So now we are sitting in one of the seats in a cinema along with most other people, watching movies that for us are absolute reality, it's the real world. We do not want to turn our head away from what we see on the screen.

At some point in this continuous movie, one of the audience finds the story on the flickering screen to be too much to bear for some reason and he or she stands up and turns around and then sees at the back of the cinema the projectionist setup and begins to slowly and painfully realise that his whole life has been an illusion, a dream.

So he begins to make a long and laborious and difficult journey out of the cinema, past the projectionist and into the street outside.

Once in the street, he looks around him and sees what is a real car, a real building, a real this, a real that etc... not just the contrived images and movies that were flickering on the screen and being passed off for reality.

Finally he looks up at the source of the light that is illuminating the real world: the sun.

Now that he has seen through the falsehood where life is replaced with a movie that people think is reality, he decides to go back and tell the others in the cinema, to liberate from this manufactured universe, but unfortunately they think he is quite mad and kill him.


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