Friday 2 August 2024


2 August 2024


This article explores (a) methods employed by The Israel Lobby also known as "the donor class" to shape U.S. foreign policy in favour of Israel - various direct lobbying efforts, educational trips, grassroots mobilisation in favour of or against members of Congress or candidates, Influence through think tanks and the media and (b) top donors whose contributions fund these methods.

Here is why we should be concerned: the "donor class" is raising concerns of a major conflagration in the Middle East that risks destroying our civilisation.

1. Overview of "The Israel Lobby"

Authors and Premise: John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt authored "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy." The book argues that the Israel lobby has a significant impact on U.S. foreign policy, often to the detriment of U.S. national interests.

2. Mechanisms of Influence on Congress

- Campaign Contributions

  - Financial Support: Pro-Israel political action committees (PACs) such as AIPAC, Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI), and the United Democracy Project (UDP) provide substantial financial contributions to congressional campaigns. This financial backing ensures that candidates who support pro-Israel policies have the necessary resources to win elections (

Worth noting that these campaign contributions are not just large sums of money handed over into a candidate's campaign pot. They are sums that are promised but held back by the donor, remaining in the donor's bank account pending satisfactory performance in congress.

- Lobbying Efforts

  - Direct Lobbying: AIPAC and other pro-Israel organisations engage in extensive lobbying efforts, meeting with members of Congress and their staff to advocate for pro-Israel legislation. This lobbying includes providing talking points, arranging meetings with Israeli officials, and organising events. These efforts help to ensure that lawmakers are well-informed and aligned with pro-Israel policies (Mearsheimer and Walt).

Educational Trips

  - Sponsored Trips to Israel: Pro-Israel groups frequently sponsor trips to Israel for U.S. legislators and their aides. These trips are designed to provide a favourable view of Israel’s security situation and to strengthen personal and political ties. By experiencing Israel firsthand, lawmakers are more likely to develop a sympathetic understanding of its geopolitical challenges (

- Grassroots Mobilisation

  - Constituent Pressure: The Israel lobby mobilises grassroots support, encouraging the Congressman's or Congresswoman's constituents to contact their representative to support pro-Israel positions. This grassroots pressure can significantly influence congressional decision-making, as legislators seek to align with the views of their voters (Mearsheimer and Walt).

Influence through Think Tanks and Media

- Think Tanks

  - Policy Advocacy: Pro-Israel think tanks such as the Washington Institute for Near East Policy produce research and policy recommendations that support Israel's interests. These think tanks provide intellectual backing for pro-Israel policies and influence public debate by framing issues in ways that are favourable to Israel (Mearsheimer and Walt).

3. Media Influence

  - Shaping Public Opinion: The Israel lobby works to influence media coverage to ensure favourable reporting on Israel and its policies. Positive media coverage can shape public opinion, which in turn influences congressional attitudes. By maintaining a positive image of Israel in the media, the lobby helps create a political environment conducive to pro-Israel legislation (

4. Political Consequences

- Election Support and Opposition

  - Endorsements and Funding: The Israel lobby supports candidates who are favourable to Israel and opposes those who are not. This includes providing funding to pro-Israel candidates and backing primary challengers against incumbents who are critical of Israel. By influencing electoral outcomes, the lobby ensures that a significant number of U.S. Congress members support policies favourable to the Israeli government (Mearsheimer and Walt).

- Legislative Outcomes

  - Policy Impact: The combined efforts of lobbying, campaign contributions, grassroots mobilisation, and media influence and framing, result in strong congressional support for Israel-related legislation. This support often translates into significant U.S. military and financial aid - $3.2 billion annual routine funding plus special funding - to Israel, as well as favourable diplomatic policies. The lobby's influence ensures that U.S. foreign policy decisions are consistently aligned with Israeli interests (

5. Criticisms and Controversies

- Allegations of Dual Passports, Dual Loyalty

  - Criticism of the Argument: Critics argue that Mearsheimer and Walt’s claims can be perceived as suggesting dual loyalty among American Jews, a point that has generated significant controversy and accusations of anti-Semitism. 

It is very important to note however that many congressmen hold dual American and Israeli passports and it is also very important not to confuse anti-Zionism, a semi-ideology, with anti-semitism, an ethnicity that includes Jews and Muslims, also Christian, of Middle-Eastern extraction. The Israel lobby is not a Jewish lobby per se.

The authors contend that their critique is aimed at the lobby’s influence on policy, not at Jewish Americans as a group (Mearsheimer and Walt).

- Debate Over Influence

  - : There is ongoing debate about the extent of the Israel lobby's influence on U.S. foreign policy. Some argue that the lobby is simply one of many legitimate interest groups that shape policy, while others contend that its influence is disproportionately large and that it employs tactics damaging of democracy. The book highlights the lobby’s success in securing substantial U.S. aid and favourable policies for Israel, illustrating its significant impact (


"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt argues that the Israel lobby uses various means such as campaign contributions, lobbying efforts, educational trips, grassroots mobilisation, think tank support, threats to undermine a candidate's grassroot support, and media influence to garner and direct strong congressional support for Israel. 

This support often results in substantial U.S. financial and military aid and favourable policies toward Israel. The book has sparked significant debate and controversy regarding the nature and extent of the lobby's influence.

This article is written on the basis of information available prior to October 7th. The events since then have sharpened the analysis of Israel's influence on congress.


- Mearsheimer, John J., and Stephen M. Walt. "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy."
- Various reviews and analyses of the book, including those found in reputable publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and certain academic journals.

6. The Donor Class - membership

Here are five notable members of the donor class who have made significant financial contributions to pro-Israel lobbying efforts, along with evidence of their contributions:

Michael Bloomberg:

   - Contribution: $19.3 million to Democrats in the 2020 election cycle.
   - Details: Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and founder of Bloomberg LP, has been a substantial donor to Democratic candidates and causes. His contributions include significant funding aimed at supporting pro-Israel policies through various political action committees and direct donations.
   - Source: The Times of Israel Article "Meet the Donor Class

Jeffrey and Janine Yass:

   - Contribution: Over $13 million, primarily to Republicans.
   - Details: Jeffrey Yass, co-founder of the Susquehanna International Group, is known for his libertarian views and substantial financial support to pro-Israel candidates and causes. His contributions include donations to PACs and direct support to candidates who align with pro-Israel policies.

James and Marilyn Simons:

   - Contribution: Nearly $21 million to Democrats.
   - Details: James Simons, founder of Renaissance Technologies, and his wife Marilyn are significant donors to Democratic candidates and pro-Israel lobbying efforts. Their contributions support a range of political and philanthropic causes, including those promoting Israel's interests.
   - Source: as above

Henry and Marsha Laufer:

   - Contribution: $11.8 million to Democrats.
   - Details: Henry Laufer, a former executive at Renaissance Technologies, and his wife Marsha have donated substantial amounts to Democratic candidates and pro-Israel causes. Their contributions help fund political campaigns and organisations that support Israel's interests in U.S. policy.
   - Source: The Times of Israel

Paul Singer:

   - Contribution: $8.8 million to Republicans.
   - Details: Paul Singer, founder of Elliott Management Corporation, is a prominent donor to Republican candidates and pro-Israel causes. He has been instrumental in supporting pro-Israel lobbying efforts and political campaigns that align with his views.
   - Source: as above

These individuals are notable for their significant financial contributions, which help shape U.S. foreign policy in favour of Israel through various lobbying efforts and political donations.


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