Tuesday 13 August 2024


13 August 2024

When America looks out onto the world, it sees Europe and especially Germany, it sees Russia and it sees China.
America's idea is to break the link between Europe and Russia - and especially between Germany and Russia.

Then to weaken Russia, ideally regime change and even break it up into smaller ethnic regions.

Before finally turning its attention to China.

While America has succeeded in making vassals of us in Europe (and fools of our leaders), and has cut off our access to cheap energy - our main competitive advantage, mark you;

It has driven Russia - who would be our ally against a Rising China - into the arms of China instead!

And destroyed poor little Ukraine - already it was the poorest country in Europe (and the stupidest leadership, unfortunately for its brave menfolk).

America's plan is laid out in that 350 page booklet from the Rand*. The booklet does draw attention to the risks of such a strategy and unfortunately for America those risks are coming home to roost. 

I would not be taken in too much by Ukraine's brave and plucky incursion into Russia proper, Kursk, as it is doomed ... but maybe things will turn out favorably for Ukraine, we will have to see what happens over the next week or two....

* RAND_3063 pdf - anyone can find it, it's published on the internet.


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