Friday 30 August 2024


30 August 2024

The term "Republican Front" refers to the political strategy used by mainstream parties in France to prevent the far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN) from gaining power. This strategy involves all other major political parties, whether from the left or the right, uniting to block the RN from winning elections or gaining significant influence. Here’s why it’s called a "Republican Front" and why it's implemented:

 1. Historical Context

   - The Republican Front is a barrier rooted in the values of the French Republic,  liberty, equality, and fraternity. The mainstream parties, both left and right, consider the National Rally (formerly known as the National Front) to be at odds with these values due to its nationalist, anti-immigration, and so-called "xenophobic" policies.

 2. Defense of Republican Values

   - The term "Republican" in this context refers to the commitment to the principles of the French Republic, which includes secularism, democracy, and equality before the law. The mainstream parties view the RN as a threat to these principles and thus see it as their duty to prevent the party from gaining power.

 3. Political Isolation

   - The strategy involves political isolation of the RN. For example, during elections, if the RN makes it to the second round of voting, other parties often instruct their supporters to vote for the candidate opposing the RN, regardless of their political affiliation. This was notably seen in the 2002 presidential election when all major parties urged voters to support Jacques Chirac against Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front and again in this year's second round election to the National Assembly (French parliament). 

But it happened most recently in the 2024 parliamentary election where the president's party on psalmer made a deal with the alliance on the left that one or other party candidate would step down if this would give the other the chance of overcoming the RN candidate.

 4. Preventing Normalisation of the Right

   - The Republican Front is also intended to prevent the normalisation of far-right ideas in mainstream politics. By isolating the RN, mainstream parties aim to exclude far-right ideologies from the centre of political debate and decision-making.

 5. The Republican Barrier in Practice

   - The concept has been repeatedly applied in both local and national elections. Even in cases where the RN might be the most popular party in a region or town, the Republican Front ensures that coalitions or tactical voting mean the others gang up against the NR to keep them from taking power, arguably against the spirit of democracy.

 6. Current Relevance

   - Despite the increasing popularity of the RN in recent years, particularly under the leadership of Marine Le Pen, the Republican Front remains a significant force in French politics. It reflects the ongoing tension between the rise of populist, nationalist people's movements and the traditional parties’ efforts to uphold their view of the values of the Republic and their interests.

 7. Challenges to the Republican Front

   - However, in recent years, this barrier has been tested as some voters and politicians argue that it stifles genuine democratic choice and debate. The RN's efforts to rebrand itself and moderate its image have also put pressure on the effectiveness of the barrier to effective power for them.


In summary, the Republican Front is so called because it is a defense mechanism employed by mainstream political parties in France, often at odds with the wishes of significant sections of the people, to protect the values of the French Republic from what they perceive as extreme and divisive policies advocated by the National Rally. It is a significant aspect of French political strategy, reflecting the deep ideological divides within the country.


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