Wednesday 10 July 2024


10 July 2024


Guide to a successful stock picking process


Step Description
1 Identify Market Trends
2 Fundamental Analysis
3 Company Research
4 Valuation
5 Technological and Innovation Focus
6 Monitor Corporate Activity
7 Diversification
8 Risk Management
9 Continuous Learning
10 Patience and Discipline

In part A, we will summarise the book by Simon Thompson published in 2018.
In Part B, we will draw out the step by step guide to the process, outlined above.
In Part C, we will detail the original process guide from the earlier work published in 2013.
 In Part D, we will then compare the two guides and identify significant improvements, giving the reader new points to focus on.

A. Summary of Successful Stock Picking Strategies, 2018.

1. Introduction
- Simon Thompson is a recognised expert in small-cap stocks, having consistently outperformed the market with his Bargain Shares Portfolios in Investors Chronicle.

2. Core Strategies
- Big Picture Investing: Emphasises understanding broader economic and technological trends to identify promising investment opportunities.
- Technological Investments: Highlights the importance of investing in companies at the forefront of technological innovation, such as Manchester & London, a technology-biased investment trust.
- Corporate Activity: Identifies companies likely to be taken over, which can provide substantial returns for investors.

3. Case Studies
- The book includes 26 detailed case studies explaining the rationale behind successful investments. These case studies provide practical insights and a step-by-step guide on applying these strategies.

4. Practical Insights
- Thompson shares his criteria for selecting stocks - focus on fundamentals such as strong cash flow, growth potential, and the ability to capitalise on emerging trends.

5. Performance Record
- Thompson's portfolios have delivered impressive returns, with notable examples like a 46% gain in his 2016 portfolio over two years and a 30% increase in his 2017 portfolio within 12 months.

6. Awards and Recognition
- Simon Thompson has been awarded the Small Cap Journalist of the Year Award multiple times, underlining his expertise and success in stock picking.

B. Summary of Simon Thompson's Step-by-Step Guide, 2018

1. Identify Market Trends
   - Understand the Bigger Picture: Focus on economic and technological developments.
   - Spot Emerging Sectors: Identify industries poised for growth, such as technology and renewable energy.

2. Fundamental Analysis
   - Evaluate Financial Health: Examine company balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
   - Profitability Metrics: Look at earnings per share (EPS), return on equity (ROE), and profit margins.
   - Debt Levels: Assess debt-to-equity ratios to ensure manageable debt levels.

3. Company Research
   - Management Quality: Research the track record and expertise of the company's leadership.
   - Competitive Advantage: Determine if the company has a sustainable competitive edge (e.g., patents, strong brand).

4. Valuation
   - Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E): Compare the company’s P/E ratio to industry averages and historical values.
   - Price-to-Book Ratio (P/B): Assess the company's market value relative to its book value.
   - Discounted Cash Flow (DCF): Estimate future cash flows and discount them to present value.

5. Technological and Innovation Focus
   - Adopt Early: Invest in companies leveraging new technologies and innovations.
   - Sector-Specific Drivers: Identify key drivers within sectors, such as advancements in AI for tech companies.

6. Monitor Corporate Activity
   - Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): Look for companies that are likely takeover targets.
   - Insider Buying: Track insider transactions as a signal of confidence in the company’s future.

7. Diversification
   - Portfolio Management: Spread investments across various sectors and companies to mitigate risk.
   - Rebalancing: Regularly review and adjust the portfolio to maintain the desired risk-reward balance.

8. Risk Management
   - Set Stop-Loss Orders: Protect against significant losses by setting predetermined sell points.
   - Position Sizing: Allocate capital wisely to avoid overexposure to any single investment.

9. Continuous Learning
   - Stay Informed: Keep up with financial news, market trends, and new investment strategies.
   - Review Past Trades: Analyse previous investments to learn from successes and mistakes.

10. Patience and Discipline
   - Long-Term Focus: Prioritise long-term growth over short-term gains.
   - Emotional Control: Avoid making impulsive decisions based on market volatility.

By following these steps, investors can build a systemat approach to stock picking and aim to achieve consistent long-term success in their investment portfolios.

C. Summary of Stock Picking for Profit, Step-by-Step Guide, 2013
Skip the 2013 book summary in order to focus on the guide.

1. Market Research
   - Trend Identification: Focus on industries with strong growth potential.
   - Economic Indicators: Monitor economic conditions that affect market sectors.

2. Company Analysis
   - Fundamental Analysis: Evaluate financial health through balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow.
   - Management Evaluation: Assess the expertise and track record of the company’s leadership.
   - Competitive Advantage: Identify unique strengths that give the company a market edge.

3. Valuation Techniques
   - Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E): Compare the company’s P/E ratio with industry peers.
   - Discounted Cash Flow (DCF): Project future cash flows and discount them to present value.

4. Risk Management
   - Diversification: Spread investments across different sectors to mitigate risk.
   - Stop-Loss Orders: Set predetermined sell points to limit potential losses.

5. Continuous Monitoring
   - Regular Reviews: Keep track of the company’s performance and market conditions.
   - Adjustments: Make necessary changes to the investment portfolio based on ongoing analysis.

D. Advances in the 2018 Guide Compared to the 2013 Guide

2013 Guide (Stock Picking for Profit)
   - Focus on Fundamentals: Emphasis on traditional financial metrics and company-specific analysis.
   - Case Studies: Use of historical examples to illustrate successful strategies.

2018 Guide (Successful Stock Picking Strategies Guide)
   - Technological Focus: Increased emphasis on identifying companies leveraging new technologies.
   - Sector-Specific Analysis: Detailed analysis of specific sectors, particularly technology, and how they drive stock performance.
   - Corporate Activity: Highlighting the importance of corporate activities like mergers and acquisitions.
   - Broader Economic Trends: Greater consideration of macroeconomic trends and their impact on stock performance.

Further info
Wednesday, December 7, 2022


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