Friday 5 July 2024


5 July 2024
As someone with populist leanings, of course I think our leadership and our government is doing massive self harm, funded by increasingly resentful taxpayers.

Whilst the West has been crafting a losing military strategy for keeping its global hegemony, China has been developing its commercial and technology sectors, getting access to raw materials and energy, and it's been building its physical supply chain the Belt and Road... and what do we see today as a result? 

Maybe originally China stole the blueprints, for example for the A320 now manufactured in copy-conform by CNC, but they now turn out far more technology graduates than the west, they have more patents, they also facilitate with subsidies in future oriented sectors it must be said, and their products as a result are competitive and often better quality (eg EVs) and they are beating the West in the areas of electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels and pretty soon chips.

With the result that America has responded with these sanctions against China, which may initially benefit American industry, but what happens when China responds?

That effectively cuts the global market in two, because America won't be buying from China and now China won't be buying from America.

All this to say something that we have been saying in this blog for a long time: compete on the components of a successful commercial strategy, rather than developing overwhelming military might that is just weakening us economically and causing the global majority to gang up on us.


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