Tuesday 2 July 2024


3 July 2024


We shall look at the aims and strategic objectives of any government that is sincerely interested in the welfare of its citizens.

Part three of this report will summarise the manifestos of the three parties competing and the urns this Thursday : the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Reform party.

Part two of this report will compare the manifesto commitments with the goals and strategies of a good government.



A government aims to create a safe, prosperous, and equitable society.


Here are mission-vision-values MVV statements for the most important target functions of any government.

1. National Security and Defense

The nation is protected from external threats and the safety and sovereignty of the country is assured.

Maintain peace and stability, deter aggression, and respond to military threats.

2. Law and Order

There is public order, justice is available to all, laws are enforced, citizens' rights are protected.

Ensure justice, reduce crime, and provide a safe and secure environment for all citizens.

3. Public Services

The provision of essential services meets the basic needs of the population.

Ensure access to healthcare, education, infrastructure, clean water, sanitation, and public transportation so as to improve the quality of life.

4. Economic Stability and Growth

Economic growth is optimised in a stable economy, public finances are effiently and effectively managed, inflation is held at 2%, and there is "full employment".

Achieve sustainable economic development, maintain financial stability, and improve living standards.

5. Social Welfare

Vulnerable populations are supported and there is a safety net for those in need.

To reduce poverty, provide unemployment benefits, support those in housing need, assure sufficient finance through social security and pension benefits, and promote social equity and inclusion.


Of course, these are vote-garnering promises...



1. Economic Policies

- Tax Reforms: Reform UK proposes to significantly reduce the main corporation tax rate from 25% to 15% within three years and abolish business rates for small and medium businesses by introducing a 4% online delivery tax for large companies. They also plan to cut fuel duty by 20p per litre and scrap VAT on energy bills 


- Spending and Budget: The manifesto outlines a budget that aims to cost £141 billion annually while claiming to raise £160 billion, largely by cutting what they term as “government waste” and reducing foreign aid by 50% 


2. Social Policies

- Education: The party intends to ban "transgender ideology" in schools, promote a "patriotic curriculum," and introduce mandatory permanent exclusions for violent children 


- Healthcare: Reform UK plans to make all NHS and social care staff exempt from basic rate tax for three years and provide 20% tax relief on private healthcare to reduce NHS pressure. They also propose a public inquiry into vaccine harms



3. Defence and Security

- Military Spending: They pledge to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP within three years and 3% within six years. Reform UK also plans to recruit 30,000 full-time army personnel and introduce an Armed Forces Justice Bill to protect military personnel from certain legal actions


4. Immigration and Housing

- Immigration: The manifesto promises to freeze "all non-essential immigration" and end the current asylum system in favour of a more controlled approach


- Housing: Reform UK plans to abolish the Renters (Reform) Bill and promote faster housing development on brownfield sites. They also propose to protect leaseholders and encourage the use of modular construction to speed up housing projects



5. Environment

- Energy and Climate: The party plans to scrap net-zero targets to save £30 billion annually and fast-track North Sea oil and gas licenses. They aim to eliminate £10 billion in renewable energy subsidies and support fracking when safety is proven



6. Culture and Governance

- Cultural Policies: Reform UK wants to make St George’s Day and St David’s Day public holidays and introduce a Free Speech Bill to combat perceived left-wing bias. They also propose scrapping the TV licence fee


- Government Reform: The manifesto includes plans to replace the House of Lords with a smaller, more democratic second chamber and bring successful private sector professionals into civil service leadership positions


Conclusion Reform

Reform UK's manifesto reflects Nigel Farage's focus on reducing government size, lowering taxes, and implementing strict immigration controls. Their ambitious economic claims and controversial social policies aim to distinguish them from the main political parties





1. Economic Policies

- Tax and Spending: The Conservative Party proposes cutting National Insurance by 2p and eventually abolishing it when economically viable. They plan to protect pensioners with a "Triple Lock Plus" ensuring the state pension and tax-free personal allowance increase annually by the highest of three measures: inflation, wage growth, or 2.5%. They also promise to offer 30 hours of free childcare per week to eligible families, saving them up to £6,900 annually


- Corporation Tax: The Conservatives aim to maintain a competitive tax system to encourage business investment, with measures like reducing the corporation tax rate and offering incentives for businesses to invest and innovate


2. Social Policies

- : The manifesto includes a new model of National Service to equip young people with skills and opportunities. They plan to introduce the Advanced British Standard to enhance technical and academic learning and create 100,000 high-quality apprenticeships by reducing low-value university degrees


- Healthcare: The Conservatives pledge to increase the NHS workforce with 92,000 more nurses and 28,000 more doctors. They also plan to enhance NHS productivity and ensure better healthcare access


3. Defence and Security

- Defence Spending: The manifesto commits to increasing defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030. They also propose a legal cap on migration, reducing it annually, and taking measures to stop illegal migration


4. Housing and Infrastructure

- Housing: The Conservatives promise to build 1.6 million new homes while protecting the countryside. They plan to review the planning system and implement policies to make housing more affordable and accessible



- Infrastructure: Significant investment is pledged to improve infrastructure, including filling potholes, resurfacing roads, and enhancing rail connectivity in the Midlands


5. Environmental and Energy Policies

- Net-Zero Commitment: The Conservative manifesto reaffirms their commitment to achieving net-zero emissions, with a focus on sustainable energy and reducing the carbon footprint. They plan to support green initiatives and enhance the UK's renewable energy capacity


6. Governance and Reform

- Reform of Non-Dom Tax Rules: The Conservatives plan to overhaul the non-dom tax regime, moving to a residence-based system where non-doms will start paying UK taxes on their global income after four years of residency. This reform aims to close loopholes and ensure fair tax contributions from all residents


Conclusion Conservative

The Conservative Party's 2024 manifesto focuses on economic stability, social reforms, increased defence spending, housing and infrastructure improvements, and environmental sustainability. They aim to maintain a competitive tax system, support public services, and implement measures to enhance national security and community welfare





1. Economic Policies

- Tax and Spending: Labour plans to introduce a tax lock, pledging not to raise rates of income tax, national insurance, or VAT for working people. They aim to restore economic stability with tough new spending rules and cap corporation tax at 25%. Their economic strategy includes establishing a National Wealth Fund and Great British Energy to drive investment and create 650,000 jobs in future industries



- Funding: Labour proposes a windfall tax on oil and gas companies and a VAT on private school fees to raise around £8.5 billion. They also plan to borrow £3.5 billion to fund various projects


2. Social Policies

- Education: Labour's manifesto includes recruiting 6,500 new teachers and providing a new childcare offer to help parents return to work. They also plan to introduce a New Deal for Working People, aiming to make work pay and improve job market conditions

(https://labour.org.uk/updates/stories/labour-manifesto-2024-sign-up/) [


- Healthcare: Labour pledges to cut NHS waiting times, increase healthcare funding, and recruit more healthcare workers. They aim to tackle health and mental health challenges to get people back into work


3. Housing and Infrastructure

- Housing: Labour commits to building 1.5 million homes, with a focus on social rented homes. They also plan to end no-fault evictions and limit rent increases within tenancies to provide renters with greater security


- Infrastructure: They propose a 10-year infrastructure strategy to improve transportation, housing, and public services across the UK. This includes reforming planning rules to expedite building projects


4. Environmental Policies

- Clean Energy: Labour aims to make the UK a clean energy superpower by investing in renewable energy and setting up Great British Energy. This initiative is expected to make energy cheaper, create jobs, and boost economic growth


- Climate Change: Their environmental strategy includes significant investments in green technologies and infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change effectively


5. Governance and Reform

- Immigration: Labour plans to reform the immigration system to develop home-grown skills and meet the needs of the economy. They also propose a new Border Security Command to manage and control immigration more effectively


- Public Services: Labour's manifesto outlines plans to prioritize frontline public service delivery by reallocating current government spending, halving consultancy spending, and implementing efficiency programs in the police force


Conclusion Labour

Labour's 2024 manifesto focuses on economic growth, social reforms, housing and infrastructure development, environmental sustainability, and governance improvements. Their policies are designed to create a fairer, more equitable society, address pressing issues like housing and healthcare, and drive the UK towards a sustainable future





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