Sunday 9 June 2024


9 June 2024

Here are some tips for adjusting to a new time zone after a long flight bear in mind that you would normally take a day per hour difference but here you can collapse the time.

1. Change Your Clocks

- Adjust all clock faces (laptop, watch, etc.) to the destination's local time as soon as you board the plane.
- This helps you mentally prepare and operate on the new time zone.

2. Sleep Strategy

- Sleep during the first half of a long flight.
- If the flight leaves in the middle of the day, try to fall asleep early.
- Stay awake for at least 12 hours after waking up on the plane to align with the new time zone.
- Use eye masks and earplugs to facilitate rest on the plane.
3. Avoid Alcohol

- Alcohol can disturb sleep patterns and cause drowsiness the next day.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine to help reset your circadian rhythm.

4. Bright Light Exposure

- Get daylight exposure upon arrival.
- Spend 20-30 minutes outside, exercising or walking.
- Avoid wearing shades in the morning to maximise sunlight exposure and reduce melatonin production.

5. Adjust to New Schedule

- Resist eating when you're hungry if it’s not meal time in the new time zone.
- Align meals with local standard times to help reset your internal clock.

6. Nap Strategically

- Take short naps (10-20 minutes) early in the day if needed.
- Avoid long naps to maintain healthy sleepiness for the night.

Glossary of Terms

- Circadian rhythm: The body's natural 24-hour cycle.
- Melatonin: A hormone that regulates sleep.

Further Reading


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