Wednesday 26 June 2024


26 June 2024

1. Introduction

- Participants: Gabriel Attal (Prime Minister), Jordan Bardella (President of Rassemblement National), Manuel Bompard (La France Insoumise).

2. Key Topics Discussed

- Purchasing Power
  - Bardella emphasised reducing energy VAT, budget constraints.
  - Bompard advocated for price controls on necessities.
  - Attal proposed a "purchasing power package" with wage and pension increases.

- Pension Reform:
  - Attal opposed repealing reforms.
  - Bardella suggested flexible retirement ages based on work start age.
  - Bompard aimed to lower retirement age to 62, eventually 60.

- Taxes:
  - Attal promised no new taxes.
  - Bompard proposed higher taxes for the wealthy.
  - Bardella called for an audit of state finances.

- Environment:
  - Bompard prioritised climate change.
  - Attal highlighted budget increases for ecological transition.
  - Bardella promoted nuclear energy, opposed new wind projects.

- Immigration:
  - Bompard argued immigrants benefit the economy.
  - Bardella questioned loyalty of dual nationals.
  - Attal criticised Bardella’s stance on binational job restrictions.

3. Summary

The debate covered economic policies, pension reform, taxation, environmental strategies, and immigration, highlighting clear ideological divides between the participants.


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