Saturday 1 June 2024


1 June 2024

A quite astonishing title.


The article is saying that Russia wants to take Ukrainian land, kill or reformat its people and destroy Ukrainian identity.

It cites Putin's 2021 speech and stuff about the Russian Orthodox church to assert that Putin believes that, because Ukrainians and Russians are brothers and Ukraine is a fake country, so there is no national identity to preserve or destroy, and Ukraine - the Donbas at least - is in fact Russian.

It quotes Ukrainian government figures to say that twenty thousand children have been deported and that Putin’s Commissioner on Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, is facing an arrest warrant from the ICC.

Russia is using the schools in Ukraine, Hurd claims, to reformat the kids with Russian language, history, culture and attitude.

Russia is russifying the Ukrainians administratively as well by giving them Russian passports and even russifying their names.

Russia has moved a huge chunk of the Ukrainian population, five million people including seven hundred thousand children, from Ukraine into Russia.

According to Hird, international legal procedures have documented war crimes, including executions and mass graves, in Bucha, Kherson city and Izyum.

So the allegations are clearly documented and evidenced, even if they are not balanced out by more reliable accounts.


It's not quite the same as Gaza because there are no deportations and no reformatting in Gaza, just murder.

Karolina Hird does stuff for the Inst for the Study of War - Dr. Kimberly Kagan, Founder & President, General David H. Petraeus, Kagan family, described as "neocon conservatives".

No gov.t funding, core funding is provided by a group of US defense contractors.

This Instutute has been around all America's large-scale wars since 2007.

Hird writes daily briefings on the situation in Ukraine, the audience can only be deeply ground in russophobes.

Anyway, point being that this is the garbage that the U. S.  administration reads and of course this is why they are so hubristic and confident, in spite of what we know, about the outcome of this conflict.

At all levels of government, there are juniors who prepare reports for their bosses and the bosses are busy guys and they probably only ever read these reports and do not inform themselves on what goes on outside in the real world, filled as it is by the dramas of defeat and the voices of dissent.

Seems that even in the final defeat, when these people get out and face, perhaps for the first - and last - time, the reality of what they've done, they still learn nothing. 

Eg, look (or don't bother, the title is enough!) at this article that Hird wrote just before the Russians defeated Ukraine's summer offensive last year:

And then they move onto the next neocon war and don't have time to write up lessons from the previous failure. Either the reports are written but not read, or they're never written in the first place.... It is just one defeat after another for America, that's the reality of all these sad wars.

So it seems that these wars keep the economy going, keep the contractors in business and keep the congressmen flush, but they must all know that in a conventional war, America would most certainly fail against any serious military  adversary. 

And herein lies the danger, because finally understanding that, the neocons running the show in the "deep state" also know they will have a final choice between either the collapse of their empire, or use of nuclear weapons....and ...


Karolina Hird writes for the Inst for the Study of War - Dr. Kimberly Kagan, Founder & President, General David H. Petraeus, Kagan family, it is a well-known neocon Washington rhink tank.

The IoW receives no govt funding, its core funding is provided by a group of US defense contractors. This Instutute has been around all America's large-scale wars since 2007.

Hird does daily briefings on the situation in Ukraine, the audience can only be deeply ground in Russophobes.

Anyway, point being that this is the analysis that the U. S. administration reads and of course this is why they are so hubristic and confident, in spite of facts on the front line And America's reputation abroad in the global South., about the outcome of this conflict.

At all levels of government, there are juniors who prepare reports for their bosses and the bosses are busy guys and they probably only ever read these reports and do not inform themselves on what goes on outside in the real world, filled as it is by the dramas of defeat and the voices of dissent.


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