Tuesday 7 May 2024


7 May 2024


The quality of reporting and the understanding imparted, on the current global wars, has really evolved to very high standards. We started off with just First Impressions back in 2022 but now we're getting to a detailed understanding of the reasons for what's going on and this extends right from goals through to strategies operations and tactics in a detailed way and the equipment that is being used.

Jacques Baud a former Swiss Army intelligence officer who speaks English incidentally) is a master of this and and this Youtube pres is a Master Class in fact.


For those who don't know who Jacques Baud is.

You might wonder how someone working in the Swiss Army can have such a detailed realistic and balanced point of view and how the mountains of Switzerland can raise such a insightful contrarian Western military historian.

Well to his credit, or by way of a reference, Jacques Baud used to be a battlefield Commander, which is where you have to understand what's really going on, you face reality, chich means confronting the world as it really is, and deal with it ... or you are killed and pretty quickly too these days.

After that he was an intelligence officer, which means you collect data off the ground, and put it together into an analysis, with some conclusions, and you pass it to the politician who is the one who makes the decision.

Plus, Switzerland used to be a neutral country, with presumably a more objective view of the world.


What Jacques Baud sees is:

A new way of practicing foreign policy: passionate, disordered, without hindsight or constructive purpose. 

The immediate application of sanctions while the facts remain unclear, removing all space for diplomacy.

A Western leadership unison and censorship against dissenting voices.

A disturbing evolution of society and a growing vulnerability to manipulation. 

The creation of realities out of our prejudices.

Conspiracy as the main weapon of Western countries. 

We do what we reproach the autocrats for doing.



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