Saturday 13 April 2024


13 April 2024

It's quite possible that the economy grows at 5% because after all "the economy" is its GDP, is simply a measure of the amount of money that changes hands. But what if the money that's being exchanged for goods and services comes from outside the economy? What are the consequences for the people and the economy?

The people produce nothing and are unable to produce anything, because they have no infrastructure. The money they're spending is not their own, meaning they are entirely under the control of the donors and this makes them vulnerable to any outside events.

Growth comes from producing new products and services and puuting in place new infrastructure and so on. The Ukrainian people will be incapable of that, so no research, no technological innovation, no new infrastructure and no new goods and services.

It's a completely false and precarious situation ... what happens if the money flow stops ? There's no buffer to changes imposed from outside, no protection, just reeling from one shock to the next ... sounds like what is happening at this moment.

What about the social fabric of such a society? There will be high unemployment, social unrest, loss of national sovereignty, political challenges without the resources to implement change. Dependence on funds from the US and EU means more corruption and inefficiency within the economy and in the US economy too.... this walk in the park is not one-way.

And thinking about it from simple economics of supply and demand, as the money supply increases but the supply of goods and services does not, prices are going to rise, leading to inflation and hyperinflation.

They may as well abandon their currency as they are going to be a totally dollar oriented economy.

So all it has to look forward to is a total dependence on the dollar, no independent policy made by the people's own representatives according to Ukraine's own national interest, increasing poverty, higher and higher inflation, more unemployment ... what will that do to the people? To anyone who's left rhat is, who hasn't fled? 

Slav means slave, right. Just a cesspool gushing worthless dollars and a worthless people, a sentinel slave estate.

A perfect basket case fit for the IMF, you might impulsively conclude. A perfect New Rwanda.

But it's not going to be that way as Ukraine will not fall into the hands of America, nor the economy into the hands of the dollar. It will be renewed, just like Novo Rossiya was renewed, created even, by Catherine the Great, and whoever's left, and those willing to return home, will want that and will want to participate in The Great Rebuild, Novo Rossiya 2.0.

The rebuilding of Ukraine as 'Novo Rossiya 2.0', envisioned as an independent, neutral and revitalised nation and economy, free from foreign dominance, a constituent state of the Russian Federation (the west end of former Ukraine has reverted to a landlocked remnant, needing a new regime and a revised Constitution recognising amongst many things, Russia's insistence on neutrality)


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