Saturday 27 April 2024


27 April 2024

Undoubtedly the best interview of the year so far. I appreciate that there are many who do not appreciate Piers Morgan, and we'll see why in a moment, but he really put Mearsheimer through his paces and I think Mearsheimer came out on top.

As is normal practise, Mearsheimer invites questions at the end of every lecture he delivers, but I think this was the stiffest test he has ever had to face.

Whether you like Piers Morgan or not, his interviews are always very highly prepared and he doesn't hesitate to go full frontal with the main issues and controversies of the day.

What I don't really like about Morgan's interview technique is two things. One is that he is always interrupting the interviewee, and makes it sound as if the interviewee is trying to interrupt him! 

And the other thing is that he just falls silent when he is beaten in an argument and moves on to the next topic. So you don't get proper resolution.

You could say that both these techniques are really the result of having limited time in the interview, but it does make him become across as something of a bully.

What is good about Morgan is that he is very well prepared on his subject and he identifies the major issues and he manages always to have a debate that is perfectly calm based on logic and reason, even while he throws out numerous emotional statements.



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