Tuesday 2 April 2024


2 April 2024


OMG strong stuff from Alistair Crook. His voice is even more hesitant and measured and trembling than usual, as he recoils in shock and awe from Russia's flattening of Ukraine and butchery of its army. The points he makes:

The Crocus City Hall massacre is terrorism not asymmetric warfare.

"How do we sear the consciousness of the Palestinians by having a defeat that makes them docile and ready to submit" 

How can the West square its Enlightenment values with what its proxy Ukraine does to civilians in Russia?

The West - no strategy, no understanding of the other side, of what this war is about, of why it's being fought.

Colonial aims, beliefs about the other side, colonial  dogmas, methods and remedies, Dresden all over again, Hiroshima II.

This is organised by the CIA, the Deep State...

"You can no longer be a Liberal and a Zionist" ie on the one hand the values and the Western comm.  v. on the other the real-world goals and actions of Western govts (undoubtably coordinated by the CIA and deep state ... this not conspiracy-theory, this is fact).

We knew all this stuff about the reality of CIA operations long long time ago, from the Dulles Bros onwards, from the beginning with the American civil war itself or before that the Settler genocidal actions to clear occupied space of native populations, European colonialisations of Africa and Asia; 

but what will happen when the West loses, history is re-written and Western populations are converted to the cynical realism of the Neocons and their predecessors? ... what are the alternative models to the "democracy" we must suffer today? How to get out from under the CIA? How to make peace with Russia? Create a New Order that recognises the security concerns of all? Can the world transition together to a multipolar world and at the same time keep an American global umbrella under which all can seek shelter? 

This is what we ask. How can it be done?

Further reading






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