Wednesday 6 March 2024


6 March 2024

Well with weak growth in the economy, all we can hope for is lower interest rates, and yet we are told inflation is "sticky".

So will they cut the rate or not? And if they do before inflation has been "unstuck", won't it just "re-stick" and then the stick will be all over their faces!

Plus, what will happen at the General Election? And not just here, but in the US too?

And if all these near-term risks are navigable (which they aren't - nobody can understand, not even AI), if you think these are just passing "blips", best think again, as isn't the West in "secular decline"?

So with rates, inflation, growth, elections and end-of-the-West, expect a lot of volatility (well it's here already).

Being positive means seeing volatility as "opportunity". Opportunity!

Buy sector-leading companies when they're cheap, like when the share price is at a 52-week low...

....and remember to sell when it's "bounced back" ha ha momentum, ie put on 15% to reach a higher point in its 52-week sine-wave journey.

If you made a mistake (which will be true one case in two), sell if price drops 7% (a one-size-fits-all universal stoploss rule).

See you in the Soup Kitchen !!!


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