Monday 18 March 2024


18 March 2024

The story around Emmanuel Macron's married life is shrouded. There is some doubt over the true identity of his wife, Brigitte. A meticoulously detailed investigation (or hoax?) has been conducted. The investigation explores discrepancies in biographies and public records.

Inputs were photos of Brigitte, her older brother Jean-Michel. At different stages in her life - school, first communion, marriage, today. Also library and class records, interviews and personal testimonies.

The method involved sifting through these archives, libraries, and conducting interviews. Central to the method was a software tool, the world's number one facial recognition software, which the investigator tested beforehand to establish confidence limits ie percentage accuracy of results.

The report contrasts public narratives with findings from the inputs of private records and interviews, highlighting discrepancies that raise questions about the true identity of Brigitte Macron. The results found no match between Brigitte before her marriage with at and after, with more than 95% confidence, but a reasonable chance - 50 to 55% - match between school photos of her brother and photos of Brigitte at "her" marriage.

(Note that comparisons adult-adult will be more reliable than comparisons of child-adult.

Note also that the back-testing was done with ordinary people as well as photos of persons who had suffered accidents or had cosmetic surgery - the only time it failed was Michael Jackson. Ha ha.)

This has got to be an elaborate hoax I would have thought. The suggestion is that Emmanuel married the brother of his fiancée, but surely any blood test would establish whether Brigitte is XX or XY.


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