Sunday 10 March 2024


11 March 2924

With accusations of Nazism flying around, it would be good to know what we accuse the others of.

Popular beliefs
Ryan Chapman on popular beliefs


Nazism, aka National Socialism, is an ideology and practice associated with the Nazi Party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) of Germany during its Nazi decade in the 1930s 1940s. Nazi is a label applied widely to other so-called far-right groups who are suspected of extreme nationalist, racial, and authoritarian ideas.

Key elements of Nazism

1. Extreme Nationalism and Racial Supremacy

Nazism promoted German nationalism and the superiority of the "Aryan master race" and conversely denigrating those deemed inferior, especially Jews. This thinking was the root cause of the Holocaust.

Nationalism or patriotism, the motherland or fatherland, a sense of belonging, of something worth protecting, is perhaps the strongest force in politics. Nazism carries this force to extremes, where the indivodual completely loses the idea of self as they are buried in the idea of the hive.

2. Führerprinzip (Leader Principle)

This principle of authoritarianism suggested that a single leader (Hitler) had absolute authority, contrasting with democratic governance, though the people of Germany voted Hitler into power.

This required a system of government that is centralised and dictatorial and requires complete unquestioning belief inthe infallibility of the leader and total submission from its citizens to the will of the state.

3. Anti-Semitism

A core tenet, leading to the systematic persecution and genocide of six million Jews, along with some other minorities during the Holocaust.

4. Anti-Communism

Nazism was vehemently opposed to communism and socialism, seen as threats to the Aryan race.

5. Expansionism

The pursuit of Lebensraum ("living space") aimed at expanding German territories, particularly to the east, leading to World War II.

6. Militarism

A glorification of military power and the belief that war and conflict were inevitable aspects of human society.


According to historians, Nazism was marked by its brutality, the establishment of a totalitarian state, and the aggressive expansionism that led to World War II, resulting in millions of deaths. Its legacy is universally condemned for its crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust, and its impact on global history.


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