Saturday 16 March 2024


16 March 2024

Two points today. One is to explain the unfathomable depths of cruelty in this war of religion, this conflict, which by the way surpasses the treatment received by the Dews at the hands of the Germans in the last war, although not numerically. 

The other is to understand why the American administration is a supporter and bystander, but has no agency, is impotent, faced with this butchery, which contravenes all its values.

1. A framework for understanding this conflict: psychological theories of the origins of identity, the traumas, in-group vs. out-group dynamics, and narrative construction. 

Pretty much everyone the world over is completely horrified at the way the Dews in Israil are slaughtering the Mooslims, all with the support, moral amd material, of the American foreign policy class.

Most of those who are horrified are also jaw-droppingly surprised at how this can be happening and be allowed to continue, in full view of the entire world community, with noone taking any effective action to stop the  butchering the Palacetinian Mooslims. Thousands upon thousands of old iron one-ton bombs, flown into Israel from America, loaded into bomber aircraft, flown over to the Gaza strip, dropped indiscriminately on residential areas in the most densely populated cities and refugee camps in the world. Thousands of women and children, blown apart - the carnage!

Looking at this completely animalistic behaviour, where does this level of hate come from? It can only be from deep within the bowels of the Dewish Israili soul, a hate passed down the generations, a hate located deep deep in the collective unconscious.

This must be the piece of the puzzle we are missing. We could see this as a fratricide, a blood fued, a fight to the death between brothers in the same Semite family, vengeance killing after traumatising vengeance killing, from the time of Abraham (Ibrahim), Sarah, Haggar, Isaac and Ismail.

This would help to understanding the depravity and pure evil of the parties to this conflict.

2. Who controls Washington controls the World

Let us also recall that after the war two systems of world governance were set up: the UN with international law agreed between equal nation-states; and the American Order, aka Liberal International Order, where America runs its empire from The White House and Pentagon. The latter winning out.

This means that the current ruling institutions - America's Dept.s of State, Commerce and its Treasury; the IMF and World Bank; America's Dept of Defense including the Pentagon, CIA and NSA; America's alliances and NATO; the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - all these institutions are pivotal in shaping the American global order through its diplomatic, economic and military strategies, policies and operations.

It is these American institutions and their rules, actioned by Congress, driven by the interests and money from the lobbies, that control the flows of money and the behaviours of governments worldwide. 

Which group has centralised power putting itself in a position to run these institutions, controlling governance and money flows? A tiny handful of the 14 million people who are at the core of "American" influence and our troubles. The elected officials and administration are effectively impotent in the face to this lobby.

Was it ever as it used to be? Could it be again?

3. License to kill

Thus the protection and ready support by the Americans for Israil's daily slaughter of its brothers in Palestine. 

Thus the support of countries outside The West for a rules-based Order run from the  UN.


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