Monday 11 March 2024


10 February 2024

The inspiration for this image was what Mearsheimer calls "the anarchy of international geopolitics". It's "survival of the fittest", "might is right", the expanionist greed of a state's elite combined with its uncertainty concerning the intentions of its neighbours.

Hasn't it always been thus? Yes it has.

So Mearsheimer's "Great Power Politics", combined with the "call of the wild" you see in wildlife programs, an "echo of the savanne" realisation. 

I remember a clip of hyenas running alongside a zebra, in a chase of attrition, gradually reducing the strength of the animal, weakening it until it was exhausted. The zebra tripped, broke its foot, fell and was eaten. 

The rulers of the world are just the same running dogs really. That seems to be reality whether you're on the plains of Africa or in the corridors of Washington. 

They manipulate and control their empire of Western states, think they can run the world, outrun the world, but just as every dog has its day, so America - current Hegemon, Godzilla! - could reflect that hubris and excessive arrogance come before a fall, or as Mearsheimer puts it, look at America's track record in foreign policy disasters and you'd conclude that it has the Midas touch in reverse!


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