Saturday 9 March 2024


9 March 2024

This is a manifesto for a revised Zionist philosophy. It is intended for integrating into a constution for a modern state. The Consitution will articulate the concept of a  one-state or two-state solution, chosen according to results of a referendum, along with assurances of equal rights for all citizens, as anticipated in the Balfour Declaration. Governance would be overseen by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

So this is an updated and revised Zionist Manifesto. It is fit to fold into the Constitution of a modern liberal social-democratic nation, operating in a post-colonial world. 

This Manifesto is articulated and endorsed by well-intentioned people of the Jewish faith. It sets goals for prosperity, progress and justice at home and abroad, together with respect for the environment.

This revision to Zionist philosophy reflects a comprehensive, practical and inclusive approach to nation-building.

The Neo-Zionist Manifesto, 
rev. 01, March 2024


The Updated Zionist Manifesto

This document lays out the foundational ideals and aspirations of the Zionist movement, dedicated to the creation of a Jewish non-exclusive homeland, whilst recognising the evolving context of our times and the aspirations of all peoples in the region.

1. Foundation of a Democratic Inclusive State

We affirm the establishment of a sovereign  state within the historic boundaries of Palestine, delineated from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan, and from the Negev Desert to the Lebanese frontier, committed to peace and security for all its inhabitants and respectful of all religious commumities.

2. National Unity and Cultural Revival

Our movement is rooted in the unification of Jewish people, the revival of the Hebrew language, and the promotion of our rich historical and cultural heritage, shaping a society that values diversity and historical consciousness.

3. Clear Geographic Demarcation

We pledge to define our state's borders clearly, ensuring a secure, recognised, and sustainable homeland for the nation, which includes people of the Jewish faith, while respecting the territorial integrity and political sovereignty of neighbouring states.

4. Commitment to Inclusivity and Equality

The envisaged state is a beacon of democracy, guaranteeing equal rights, freedoms, and opportunities for all its citizens, irrespective of their religious or ethnic affiliations, under a Revised Constitution that embodies the principles of this Manifesto.

5. Two-State Solution and International Peace

While our core mission focuses on the establishment of a national homeland for the different communities living within the agreed geographic boundaries, we acknowledge the broader regional aspiration for peace and stability, which includes support for a two-state solution, recognising the legitimate national aspirations of both Jewish and Palestinian peoples within internationally, possibly identical, agreed borders.

Any one-state solution will express power-sharing arrangements that grant the possibility equally to all citizens to participate directly, through vote-from-home or through a system of party representation, in a modern democracy.

6. Economic Development and Social Justice

We are dedicated to building an economy that enhances the quality of life for all residents, driven by innovation, fairness, and a commitment to eradicating inequality, ensuring social justice and respecting the environment.

7. Global Solidarity and Legal Oversight

We seek to fortify international alliances, advocating for global recognition and support, and affirming our commitment to uphold the principles of international law, with the expected Revised Constitution containing egalitarian mandates subject to oversight by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

This manifesto reaffirms our unwavering dedication to establishing a land which provides for people of different faiths and exemplifies democratic values, social justice, peaceful coexistence and planetary survival, ensuring a prosperous and secure future for all its inhabitants, in harmony with nature, the global community and international legal standards.


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