Monday 12 February 2024


13 February 2024

At offset 12'30", Carson offers his explanation for Russophobia. It is very simple: 

the American foreign policy establishment draws its conclusions on Russia's intentions entirely from a two-year period in the late 1930s with the personalities Chamberlain and Churchill and Hitler, 

and they have convinced themselves that Vladimir Putin intends to take over Poland.

This in spite of everything Putin has said since he came to power 24 years ago; 

and the observation that Russia is the largest country in the world, it is very diverse ethnically and culturally, it is Independent in terms of resources, so Putin has enough on his plate managing that country 

and there is nothing in Poland that Putin could want.

This didn't stop Kamala Harris at the 2022 Munich Security Conference in February openly inviting Zelinsky to join NATO which is saying "why don't you let us put nuclear weapons on Russia's border".


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