Sunday 21 January 2024


21 Janury 2024

We want to understand what's been going on the world geopolitical stage - if it isn't Ukraine then it's Gaza if it isn't gather then it's time when why do we feel so much closer to World War 3; and what can we do to find peace the other side of the conflicts?

Based on the principles of Godzilla (who was the biggest, meanest bully on the block), one-culture one-country, and balance-of-power geopolitics, I feel there's a good and final high-level understanding that most objective and rational people could agree on ( if only they can be left free of this terrible claustrophobic Western propaganda, and allowed to think for themselves from the available and build their own narrative understanding).

The principal goal of any nation state is to keep secure and conserve or improve its position in the anarchic world order of nation states. 

American objective in this regard is to weaken Russia first, to prevent a China-Russia alliance, then America will be free to focus on its principal adversary which is China.

Second, after Russia, America's objective is to avoid a link-up between Russia and Germany and this explains its European policy and why it has weakened Europe, while taking sales ( breaking Germany's commercial link with China and sucking talent and industry out of Europe and into America, from where it can make the sales) and raising costs the point of detonating the Nordstream pipeline) as eliminating another potential threat for the future.

In passing, we can acknowledge the failure of American foreign policy in the realm of military and and financial sanctions.

You can call the solution in Gaza genocide, ethnic cleansing, deportation or simply one-culture one-country. 

A template solution : have a West Ukraine while Russia integrates Russian speakers in the East, try a two-state solution with an independent Palestine  and an independent Taiwan. Ie have separate sovereign states; and use balance of power geopolitics to mark borders and maintain sovereignty.

This is a divide and rule strategy by splitting bigger nation states into smaller it makes it much easier for America to dominate the geopolitics.


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