Friday 26 January 2024


26 January 2024

Stunning version of what's going on, a pantheon of propaganda, but overlooking other important Russian failures, acts and omissions:

- Russia's military in the Ukraine invasion is resorting to dismantling household appliances for parts
- the war has set back Russia's military modernisation by nearly two decades
- Russia desperate, such as ordering weapons from North Korea and using Iranian drones 
- significant casualties and setbacks on the field
- the war benefits noone, neither Russians nor Ukrainians
- UK pledges continued support to Ukraine: military aid and humanitarian assistance 
- mistreatment of Russian mobilised troops, beatings by military commanders and challenging conditions at training grounds.

Yea yea...😃😃😃

What about:
- Russia's heinous record of intl malfeasance
- sanctions have ruined Russia's economy
- Russia has no friends
- Russia has five years left to live, that's all it's got.

Joking, right?


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