Sunday 14 January 2024


14 January 2024

Why does Britain continue to contribute to Ukraine? It can only be out of blind deference, it is because of black-and-white thinking - if you are not with us, you're against us.

Reality is, we are in a multi-polar world and that requires listening, diplomacy, negotiation, cooperation. But the West are in a state of denial or resistance.

The West is blind to the construction work underway in The Rest of the world. How to explain this resistance to change? Why for example has Britain just agreed to contribute another £2b of borrowed money to the war in Ukraine, when its own infrastructure and economy are crumbling?

Reality is, no-one anywhere, not even in China which is only really interested in commerce, would be necessarily against the American Empire, provided America is a fair and comprehensive umpire. The problem is it just doesn't work as-described at Bretton Woods anymore, the game is broken, it no longer lives up to the promise, it no longer lives by its own rules.


We know that in the US, the system of kickbacks, from industry to campaign funds, and the Wall St. ethic of short-term gain, is what keeps Congress ever-looking for the next war. It would seem to work like this:

 The outlook is maritime (and they thought they could fuck Russia?). 

 The frame is global dominance and free trade. 

 The method is the international rules-based Order, keeping the shipping lanes open for trade, one world currency for payments and safe storage of profits.

 The organisation is through the global units, set up around Bretton Woods in 1944:

  IMF for a common trading currency and any balance-of-payments problems

  The World Bank for the reconstruction of Europe, then Japan and South Korea and later to assist the development of "the Third World"'s infrastructure and economies.

  GATT now WTO, for fair trade.



The decline of these lofty ideals set in with decolonisation, corruption and finally Biden. Reality is, the Global Resistance pushed back against the use of the military and sanctions  instead of discussion. China worries about the value of its US govt bonds in the face of heavy indebtedness and borrowing.


In 2016, it was popularily recognised in Britain that a strong Europe comes from a Europe of Nations and that the European Commission was completely wrong in thinking that a federal Europe would be a strong Europe - reality is, the EU is "a house divided against itself". The only problem here is that the British Elite have failed to recognise this truth, and - as expected - have proven themselves incapable of competently managing a sovereign UK.


Europe's response never ceases to amaze! Where is its diagnosis of its problems?  Europe has lost its Enlightenment ability to critically observe and adapt, and is floating like a cork in a rising tide of irrelevance and impotence.

Brussels, in its deference to Washington, doesn't see how America has severely weakened the European economy, created massive supply problems -  especially in energy - left it defenceless, voiceless and of no strategic importance in world affairs; and now has a cesspool-of-a-war bubbling away at its heart. 

What situation could be worse than this? Yet the EU (lately dwindling member support) and UK don't see any of this, they just resist the construction of a new multi-polar world Order that is taking place before them, under their noses.

It is Make-Believe v. Reality.


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