Saturday 13 January 2024


13 January 2024

In three geopolitical regions of the world now - the Middle East, Europe and East Asia - the future of humanity and this planet is threatened by all-out direct war between super-powers, so let us try to imagine how peace might descend on the world in 2024.


Various currents are coming together in the Middle East with the Arab nations uniting in a sense of common identity and a common future. Relaxing this way results in a more tolerant and less aggressive interpretation of Islam, a drawing away from America and the West, a turning East looking to Asia and  emerging groupings such as the BRICS, and an increasing self-reliance, confidence and self-assertiveness.

Iran to the East is Persian of course, but is included in the Middle East, as is Turkey to the North in the Proche Orient, together with Egypt to the West linking the Middle East to North Africa. This makes the Middle East a crossroads between Asia Europe and Africa.

Arab nations finding common cause is a big problem for Israel. Israel sees itself as a separate ethnic group, but Jews and Arabs are semites, what tells them apart is their religion. Jews are a religious community not an ethnic grouping. Israel is governed by Ashkenazi Jews holding to an extreme version - and political ideology - of the religion called Zionism. Let's remember that Zionism was built by the mad Ashkenazis fleeing the maddening European pogroms (so in a sense we created this horror, a kind of anti-Christ philosophy sharing much with the philosophy of that mustachioed gentleman). 

Will Israel catch up on this new trend from aggression to tolerance? It is certainly in its interests to do so. After all, if Israel wants to be accepted by its neighbours, then surely it should accept its Muslim subjects by according them rights of citizenship. And what if America recalibrates to gradually withdraw from the ME - the Jewish Lobby would become powerless to retainAmerican suppory for the 51st state*.

So point being that although absolutely no-one believes In a one-state solution, that is only because people here, Western elites and popular opinion, are trapped in yesterday's thinking. It is quite possible that Israelis will come to abandon Zionism as unworkable - they are a very pragmatic lot, which accounts for their outstanding success as well as their widespread persecution ("anti-Zionist", not "anti-Semitic"!) - and accept a non-apartheid, one-state solution where they live cheek by jowl with other Arab albeit non-hebraic, people, as they did before "Partition" ... And if it can't do this then remember that Humpty Dumpty could not be put back together again (look at where America's foreign policy mistakes have left Its victims today).

...Of course you could say that this confuses the meaning of Semite and Arab and  overlooks the profound hostility expressed in the Quran towards Jewish people, but then again wasn't there also a similar hostility between Sunni and Shia?

So that is the hope for peace in the Middle East and the alternative is that the Jewish community evacuate to another part of the world, possibly Argentina, to avoid destruction.

* Is America's Israel Lobby Ashkenazi? My impression is that the only Messianic Zionists are those living in Israel and that American Jews are far more liberal, ignorant of what is happening in Gaza and not entirely Jewish.


If the Middle East is toning down the aggression, finding a unity, drawing away from America and developing a self-reliance; then could this be a global trend that will eventually hit Europe? In other words, in a spiritual re-awakening, might Western Europe come to realise that it has much in common with the rest of humanity and in particular those Europeans living the other side of the border-zone between West Europe and Russia? We in West Europe certainly need to draw away from the American neocons as they have brought disaster upon us, so that would be a long and difficult path to follow, requiring technology and military industries and a security framework with Rissia, but a most welcome path.

In support of this argument about a new trend sweeping out of desert, we can remind ourselves that the three abrahamic religions, which are followed by 60% of humanity, originated in the Middle East, meaning this move to peace and tolerance has a spiritual dimension.

Those are quite reasonable hopes for peace in the Middle East and in Europe and while we are at it, consider the situation between America and China.


The issue with Taiwan is much the same as the issue with Ukraine. China does not want an American platform on its border, containing, or limiting, its freedom of movement, and threatening its sovereignty and security. 

You could argue that if Taiwan can promise neutrality, it will be spared destruction, in the same way that the government in Kiev was most unwise to accept the invitation to join NATO, and the people of Israel to follow the extreme beliefs of the Likud party.

The destruction of Taiwan would not be good news for America's strategy of containment, but neither would it be good for China because China too would pay a heavy price for challenging American global hegemony.

So it seems that Taiwan could offer a neutrality in exchange for Chinese protection, both countries living under a common roof ... "one roof, two apartments" ... more a treaty than a federal solution or some supra-national body like the EU or ASEAN.... perhaps Taiwan's joining ASEAN (which incidentally organised a conference attended by 27 countries following Nancy Pelosi's mad and irrational visit last year) could start the ball rolling.

When trying to imagine how China and Taiwan could feel about each other, this video about a common enemy and shared experience, is useful


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