Wednesday 10 January 2024


10 January 2024

Does Mercouris talk to much? Are his Youtube videos too long? Why do some people talk so much?

"The first thing to say is", well, he is a lawyer!!!

A lawyer has two complexities to deal with.

One is his client's case. Cases don't get to court unless they are complicated and ambiguous.

And he has the law to manage which is also complexed and nuanced.

And his goal must be to fully explain his client's case and make sure that the judge understands it. 

So yes they can be quite long-winded, with lots of repetition as they navigate the intricate details of the case and its legal framework. 

All in a crisp confident clear voice; but low-key ie unemotional, factual, objective.

But I totally agree, 86 minutes is enough for a really long and deep snooze during the day!!! He'd do better to spend more time in planning and preparation with diverse supporting collaterals, and less in delivery.

Plus he could include his "brief" with plan, as agenda items, and his skeleton arguments (we can see he does what all lawyers do and anyone who has a case to argue: they always prepare skeleton arguments which they then talk through). So plan and skeletons as slides.

And other illustrative media such as film, interviews, graphs... 

But then again, lawyers of a certain age and above do not have much of a grasp of modern IT and PowerPoint and apps, plus he is handicapped by his poor sight.

"Anyway" ...


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