Saturday 30 December 2023


30 December 2023

Exactly, it's not so much that our leadership are incompetent, it's that they are corrupt - it is the practice of war that they love because it's good for business.

But we want freedom and prosperity and we know that comes from peace and productivity and planning.

So how is it that it's the bad people that get to the top? Because the system must be wrong, it isn't delivering. All we get is mass murder, theft, lies and impoverishment. Repeated foreign policy failure, the fear of regional conflagration or World War, the threat of recession or depression, intl pariah status, nothing seems to discourage this band of gangsters : 

"One failure after another, one disaster after another, eight trillions of dollars down the drain".

Not while they are making money ... you can hear the clickety-clack of counting money when they're talking.

As Erdogan says, Netanyahu is worse than Hitler, Israel takes from America to lock up and torture these poor people and our leaders queue to praise them. Netanyahu's dream is of an ethnic cleansing and an apartheid state, based on words written 2,500 years ago that he falsely claims promise a Jewish state and the appearance of god on earth. This is so mad! How can this be?

We thought democracy was the best system of government, but it has failed us and corporatism - rule by corporations, corporate elites, oligarchs - has supplanted rule by the people. We are no better than the autocratic states we criticise. Why aren't these guys chased out of town, asks JS? It's because they own the town, like in some cowboy film.

We need insurrection, to storm Congress and the H o P, take them away in chains to the guillotine !!!



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