Monday 4 December 2023


4 December 2023

Just to watch our foolish leaderships throw away what were once good hands. Fills me with despair. 

What can we do with our elites except remove them, how to do that? You judge a tree by its fruits. I don't want their media, their propaganda - I pay for and judge the meal in a restaurant, not the chef!

And if we don't, if we can't get them out of office? What I think about is the real value of my savings - whether inflation and currency collapse, or deflation and stagnation, my savings accumulated over my working life are worth less and less.

The only bright spots have been beating the index (so what? It's real returns that count), and gold (up 6% this year). Plus living in a decent, stable, affordable society, albeit as an outsider.

But the downside is continued destruction of my purchasing power, my culture and my sons' community where they live, drifting into govt.s of control, plus other strengthening foreign centres of power are going to take advantage of Europe and the USA more and more.


It is not you and I that are going to change the world, we've had our chance.

Now it is the turn of the milleniums and gen Z.

But what will they do? Re-invent the past? Throw it over? 

Or perhaps they think they've done it with this Woke nonsense. So we will have another generation to wait?

As those the initiative is with the West! The Russians are rolling in while we make our plans. The Chinese have caught us all up in their web of Belts and Roads. The Americans won't be coming to the rescue any time soon, they've given their horses to the gypsies!

NATO is a paper tiger, Europe is like the Holy Roman Empire before Napoleon invaded, all chocolate box armies and parliaments of stuffed shirts.

You and I saw through this parody years ago! 2008 was it!?


I can confirm from the macro-economics side of my life that companies making alcoholic drinks see their sales rise in times of depression, doubtless more drug abuse too, food abuse, 

declines in the mental and physical health of the people.

So we can expect higher suicide rates too. 

As a result of "the decline of the West". Indeed, we see all around us the decline of western peoples' living standards and the health of the nations.

In fact, a bit of reflection on the ticker-tape of history, the rise and fall of great empires, we see we are in actual historical fact witnessing the usual doom loop. 

Elites are manipulating governments to enrich themselves, 
they are making war on foreign elites thinking they can expand their power and wealth by pillaging their neighbours,
and through standard soothsayer media they spread propaganda at home and abroad to cover this up and keep the populus on board.

The decline is not just material, it's also in our values, which includes our faith in our system of government, ie in democracy itself. This is what happens, and it is entirely predictable, it is what links are past and our present to our future.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

We need to be far more doubting of govt news channels, far more discriminating of who we listen to, and more trusting of our own judgements. The aren't quick fixes to these kind of problems and we should not be brow-beaten by governments into believing that there are - it takes a 20 year long haul to effect profound radical change after which we can expect stability and peace, at least for a long while, during which education and new knowledge & understanding develops, and material wealth increases starting from the treasure taken by the New Empire from the Old.

                           This is the circle of history.

It takes tough times for the hero promising  redemption to emerge. But to get into this sorry state it requires the weak man or men or gov.ts - this is the prerequisite of the strong man, who is the hero. Myths - many cycles of history condensed into a story - going back to the Greeks and doubtless before tell us this story. The hero starts out weak as he has not yet developed his powers. Then through a series of difficult trials with his adversaries he develops strength and skills. He then uses these to overhaul the system and bring peace and prosperity to his people.

Meaning that from all this Mess and Injustice we can expect populist leaders to step forward, wanting to force through tough ideological cleanup programmes of action on root causes. Only outsiders can clean up this mess, the power elite will never voluntarily let go. Outsiders from within or without.

How will these new leaders seize power? They will do it in the usual way: by inciting the populus - mainly younger people who are uninvested and despairing and think they are bullet-proof - to take to the streets.

We can see that the elite won't give up power and wealth, it is the height of naivety to imagine that radical reform can be voted through the Ballot Box, so what else can the people do? 

It is only utopian reform or rebirth that can deal with the final results of greed. Greed that is satisfied in the fiscal process. The people stay happy with welfare and propaganda, while the elite purloin the wealth of the country through corrupt and mediocre politicians. But eventually, it comes to a point where there's so much mess and putrification that it needs radical change. This change can be brought about from within or from without. 

Which is better - radical overhaul from within, or radical overhaul from without? The former is revolution. The latter is war or migration.

"Without" meaning on account of internal weakness, a country gets taken over and becomes part of someone else's empire, a rising empire. 

That's history, it is a circle with knowledge and technology as the only straight lines of progress. 

Knowledge from which our elites understand sweet nothing. 
History from which our elites understand sweet nothing.


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