Friday 15 December 2023


15 December 2023

However much people here in The West hate Putin, the president of the Russian Federation, some of it must surely be to do with his success in bringing Russia back from the dead these last 20 years.

Today, let's take a look at how he does it - and why. 

(If you've read the previous piece on on basic communication skills that will be a help in understanding the technical side of Putin's communication skills.)

Why does he do it?

Apart from all the usual vision, planning and execution stuff (subject of earlier articles on, he takes a great deal of trouble to communicate with his people and create a sense of unity, belonging and optimism. Opinion polls give him 80% - that's amazing if true. 

He will first of all set the goals or objectives of his communication. Then he will identify his audience. With objectives and sensibilities of his audience in mind, he will now assemble the winning arguments.

First, the politician seeks the support of the people he fears the most: his own people, those who have the power to unseat him.

Second, the successful politician wants to master the international environment. The politician inhabits an anarchic system, ie a system of International Relations (IR) where there is no recourse to a higher authority. If you combine being on your own, with the uncertainty that comes from not knowing what is in the mind of your neighbours, then you can understand that Security (secure from invasion, secure in your sovereignty) is the number one concern. Security comes mainly from diplomatic and military means, of which the most important are the communication skills of the Diplomat.

How does he do it?

Putin has these regular press conferences where he talks to the nation. He uses the opportunity of these progress reports to the people, his audience, to run through the history of Russia and the character of its people.

This is what we so sorely miss in the West. Our leaders seem unwilling to do other present current tactics.

Blank out the past to start again

Regular reviews of progress are something that is highly desirable, but we cannot do in the West because we no longer have a single identity or character, we don't have a unifying culture. Additionally, we are ashamed of, and seem to be forever trying to rub out or forget, our history and our civilisation. 

The self-doubt of The West

What is wrong with our history or civilisation? What did the West do that it should reproach itself? How has the West fared, from a Security and Moral perspective,compared with other historic civilisations?

It seems to me that the elite is forever trying to weaken or distract its greatest threat - its own people - away from important matters like public finance, economics, class and abuse of power. It is almost as if the governing elite is trying to make "Tabula Rasa" of the past, a "blank slate" on which it can paint and engineer a rootless, passive and obedient slave class.

It's a pretty barren and frightening landscape that western leaders have created for their peoples. Compare this with the rising prosperity and optimism that Putin generates by his communications and actions.


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