Friday 15 December 2023


15 December 2023

This is a technical piece on basic communication skills, with an emphasis on skills needed for success in the office.

First, let's take a look at key communication skills. Once we have set this frame, let's look more closely at a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) for determining roles within a project team, your project teams.

Effective communication skills 

Effective communication skills are crucial for success in the office, if you want to enhance your ability to work collaboratively, minimise misunderstandings, contribute to a positive and productive work environment and ... get a pay rise and promotion.

Key skills include:

1. Clear Verbal Communication
   - Expressing ideas clearly and concisely.
   - Using the right tone, emphasis and language for each situation.

2. Active Listening
   - Paying attention to others.
   - Responding thoughtfully to demonstrate understanding.

3. Written Communication
   - Writing clear and coherent emails, reports, and documentation.
   - Ensuring proper grammar, spelling, and formatting - one idea per paragraph only & multiple paragraphs broken by white space for readability.

4. Non-Verbal Communication
   - Being aware of body language and facial expressions. (Funny remark it is more difficult to read the expressions of People who use botox or filler and thus difficult for you to respond.)
   - Projecting confidence and professionalism, in manner and appearance.

5. **Emotional Intelligence:**
   - Understanding and managing one's emotions.
   - Recognising and empathising with others' emotions.
   -  Try Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),
a somewhat manipulative technique, particularly the use of "mirroring", all copying the body language of the other, for developing a rapport with people.

6. Adaptability
   - Adjusting communication style based on the audience.
   - Being open to feedback and willing to modify approaches.

7. Clarity and Conciseness
   - Conveying messages in a straightforward manner.
   - Avoiding unnecessary jargon or complexity, or introducing such language before using.

8. Conflict Resolution
   - Addressing conflicts calmly, unemotionally and constructively.
   - Seeking solutions that benefit all parties involved.

9. Collaboration
   - Fostering open communication within teams.
   - Encouraging the exchange of ideas and feedback.
  - Getting everyone on board.

10. Networking
    - Building and maintaining professional relationships.
    - Communicating effectively with colleagues, bosses and clients.

Some intermediate remarks

Please expand acronyms on first use in a message, or have a glossary

Use punctuation to improve readability

Check spelling, check structure before hitting send

Don't assume readers are clairvoyant, take time to contruct / edit before send, to be sure you are understood first time ( people will often be reluctant to ask for clarification so you should make sure they don't need to).

Be sure to understand the purpose of any message you send or receive and be sure to communicate clearly. Especially if you are talking, speak clearly and strongly, be structured, be concise !!!

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

Communication skills are your absolute number one skill, both written and oral, listening and reading (rapid and summarising), (the four skills). If you are not confident that you are communicating efficiently and effectively, then take a communication skills course - this could be the most important thing you do in 2024.

Consult. Communicate before action with those who you want to motivate and involve in the action.

Inform. Inform those who must change as a result of an action in preparation for the happy implemention.


This is a typical version of a esponsibility assignment matrix (RAM). The people on your project RAM are the people with whom you exchange messages, it is about their roles...and yours: 

R - Responsible - the person who makes the change

A - Accountable - the person who gets the pay rise or the kick in the pants if it all goes right or wrong, probably your boss, your customer, your client, who agrees your plan and makes resources available

S - Support - those whom you can rely on for help getting the change made, like accountants or lawyers or IT or consultants

C - Consult - The people you talk to, to get information for your analysis and action plan

I - Inform - the people downstream who will have to operate the change on a regular basis, those who need to know

RASCI is your basic frame 101 for working in any team if you want to get things done. These are the roles people have and with whom you communicate.

Good to be clear in your head on your role and the role of the other people, before you do anything, before you start communicating.

RASCI - responsible accountable support consult inform.


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