Friday 15 December 2023


15 December 2023

Coluche was one of those rare people where a single name is enough. He was one of the world's greatest comedians but unlike Billy Connolly his language couldn't translate outside his country of origin.

In 1980, he decided to run for president of France and he had many original ideas on his program: there would be no work for anyone, there would be no school for the children, all drugs would be legalised and money abolished.

In 1980 there was no internet and Snail mail was the only way to communicate in writing so kaluche wanted all the stamps issued to have either a picture of a fanny or an asshole, so that when lick the stamp ...

He was a complete outsider and his appeal was to all the people who had no voice so I suppose today, you'd call him a populist and the nearest you get today is Trump, although I think Trump is rather more vulgar.

Notice to the population


 I call the lazy, the filthy, the drug addicts, the alcoholics, the fags, the women, the parasites, the young, the old, the artists, the jailbirds, the dykes, the apprentices, the blacks, the pedestrians, the Arabs, the French , the long-haired, the crazy, the transvestites, the former communists, the convinced abstainers, all those who do not count for politicians to vote for me, to register in their town hall and to spread the news.



 The only candidate who has no reason to lie.


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