Thursday 30 November 2023


30 November 2023

You've read the panchatantra and understand that war is the natural condition of our species. In  different way, Jan Oberg is saying the same thing from a different point of view.

Salman Rushdie too.

Mearsheimer is as perplexed as all normally-adjusted people. Despite Rushdie's condensing a thousand years of human  history and wisdom into a hundred words, noone has an answer to making or finding peace today.

1. I follow the news. It seems the neocon narratives are being exposed everywhere across geopolitical histories, eg Minsk and Istanbul are now being unpicked, Israel is seen as having no plan, only a thirst for vengeance's plan. 

The American people won't be had again and next year could present a surprise peace candidate. That's a realistic option and hope.

America doesn't have the initiative on the battlefield in Ukraine, it looks pretty obvious that Ukraine will be fairly and squarely beaten, and with them NATO and America. This will be a sea change for the West and for Russia too. Russia will undoubtedly incorporate Ukraine as it has done with Belarus into its family of nations...Putin is eyeing Transnistria incidentally, something new.

2. The Middle East seems to be overtaking events in Ukraine in the race to see who can get us to WW3 first.

We could see the Arab nations surrounding Israel finally running out of patience and overrunning that place, dragging in America with its fleet anchored offshore. 

Possibly starting in Syria: if America starts in Syria, where it has illegally positioned its forces, then Russia will be affected and may take action; if Russia takes action to defend its interests in Syria and is directly attacked by America, then this will bring in Iran and China.

3. As to Israel and its future, there is no way that Israel could ever accept a two-state solution as it would lose its strategic hinterland in the West Bank and the next day be overrun by its neighbours. It's only options for its security and survival are do peace or die, even though this is not accepted in Israel and never has been. 

I would like to know, how come if there are so many clever people in Israel, they have not learnt how to get on with their neighbours and they do not understand that it's a binary world they accept peace or they die in war.

4. We need a change of leadership and a European security conference and a new Bretton Woods, if we are to avoid the next World War.


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