Monday 13 November 2023


13 November 2023

Ukraine is lost to Europe and the dying EU should conserve contributions from member states for worthwhile projects that enhance our peace and prosperity.

Ukraine has lost this war. It foolishly rejected peace in 2015 and in 2022 and now faces the consequences. The people of Ukraine will realise how idiotic has been their president, who has cost them half a million lives. They will rise up against him. He will flee the country to one of his numerous villas bought with money from American and European taxpayers or from Arms sold into other conflict areas around the world by members of his corrupt oligarchy.

The number one purpose of this war was to get Ukraine into NATO: that will never happen. The idea of Ukraine joining the EU is completely absurd and purely another political dream from our leaders very far out of touch with reality, since Ukraine is at war and in any case is economically completely unviable. Frankly, who would want to take on the burden of Ukraine? And where would they find the money?

The answer is that only Russia is in a position to offer Ukraine a prosperous and peaceful future. There is plenty of room for optimism. Ukraine's future lies in some kind of a rebuild and reindustrialization arrangement with Russia. Russia will see to Ukraine as it did in the 18th century when Katherine the Great and her architect Potemkin built Novo Rossiya.

I would imagine that the east from Odessa up to Kiev will be reintegrated into Russia and the portion that is left, the"rump", can be given to the Poles or can attempt to continue limping along as a state dependent on Moscow.

How can anyone ever have the slightest confidence in our foolhardy politicians? They have put us into the greatest debt we have ever known, they have taken us to two wars now, they have sullied our culture with mass immigration, they struggle with solutions for climate change and they are unable to deal with almost daily civil war in our societies.

We live in poverty, inflation and violence; our health service is non-existent, our schools are falling apart, our defenses are not up to it.

Failure after failure after failure. We need serious politicians who represent our interests. W need a 20 year program to find independence from America and its collapsing Order.



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