Friday 24 November 2023


24 November 2023

Government debt 33t just a shade below 140% of GDP.
Total country debt a shade below 400% of GDP. Debts that will never be fully paid.
Unfunded government liabilities is at $212 trillion.
$1.8 trillion student loans seeing increasing default, the $2.7 trillion auto and credit card loans likewise.
Commercial real estate collapsing.
Soaring zombie companies bankruptcies.
CLO defaults,
Small and medium regional banks in serious trouble.
Collapsing household savings.
Over stretched household balance sheet.
Stagnant population growth and aging population.
Shortage of skilled workers.
Low labor participation rate.
Stagnant work week hours.
Inflation eating up wage increases.
Sticky inflation.
Reversing fiscal and monetary largesse.
Recession probably already here.
Political chaos next year.

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