Sunday 30 July 2023


30 July 2023

Some risks to pursuing war.

*Losing* is one risk most here this afternoon haven't thought about.

If America loses in Ukraine it's a foregone conclusion that it will lose in Taiwan. Losing against China means it has lost its global supremacy. Many would suggest cancelling the offensive and starting negotiations before it's too late. Means this month or next, if we are lucky.

America losing in Ukraine could be like Britain losing in Suez. At the time, other countries were buying gilts because gilts were the safest of homes for your money. There were four US dollars to the pound before Suez, today it's nearer one. In America's case, how would America continue to meet the interest payments on its gov bonds and avoid a run on the dollar and the RMB going convertible?

*Nuclear war* is another risk noone takes seriously.

It is plain that the West is upping the ante in Ukraine with delivery of ever more sophisticated weapons and technology, because America must not lose. What is to stop an eventual nuclear World War?

*Collapse in civil society* another risk.

We have all this propaganda aimed at getting the consent of our own people, to avoid a collapse in morale and gov.t authority. How to spin a settlement as a victory, pull ourselves together and avoid massive civil strife at home?


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