Sunday 9 July 2023


10 July 2023

While the Nasties are in power in Kiev, Ukraine cannot join NATO. This is because they will continue to rag Russia for Crimea and the Donbas, Russia will respond, then the regime in Kiev will call in NATO under art.5.

Before you know it, NATO - which means America - will be at war with Russia. It won't be a proxy war anymore, it'll be WW3 (like Biden said at the start), it'll be two superpowers fighting each other in Ukraine and we know how that will end.

So that's why Ukraine cannot join NATO. 

Now, if Ukraine committed in its Constitution to neutrality - meaning no nuclear weapons, army limited to say 85,000, controls on weapons, presence of NATO and Russian peacekeepers on their soil. There must be a verifiable ceasefire to allow this resolution to be discussed and agreed.

It is worth pointing out that Russia has no objection to Ukraine joining the EU. On the contrary, Putin is on record as saying Russia would help.

So this all begs the big question that some asked at the start : what ever was the point of this war? 

A map shows us that there are gaps in Russia's natural Western frontier with the rest of Europe. And history teaches that Russia has been invaded over 50 times through these holes (there are nine of them) in its thousand year history. So everyone could understand Russia's security concerns in the face of the advances by Western forces towards Moscow. That's Russia's perception.

That is why, in the light of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, to name the major disasters, it was easy to predict, back at the start of this "military operation", that it would end in another disaster for the allies, and perhaps the last for America, if not the world.


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