Saturday 15 July 2023


16 July 2023

Let us recall the issues that prevent a peaceful resolutuon. There are two: territory - both sides cannot have Crime; neutrality - Ukrain wants what it thinks is the security of Nato membership, Russia insists on neutrality.

The regimes in Kiev and Washington won't accept peace until Russia is defeated, which it never will be, on pain of nuclear war. If Ukraine were ever to join Nato with its regime, it would rag Russia some more over lost territiry until Russia had to step in again, even if America had given up on weakening Russia. This would trigger Art.5 and there would be direct confrontation betwwen superpowers which would quickly escalate to nuclear, blowing the top off our home.

Also worth pointing out that Nato is currently a paper tiger, something not widely believed, with at a minimum five years to assemble, train and supply an army strong enough to assure Europe's survival in a conventional war. Furthermore, Nato has not fought a war since Serbia in 1999.

It is really only at that point - a balance of power restored - that The West would be in a position to negotiate a lasting peace, meaning a new security architecture. The alternative is a cold war where what is left of  Ukraine is contained by Russia.

Personally, I have no confidence in our existing institutions and their immature, mediocre, greedy leaderships. You can see that because of focusing on China, America is wrapped up in Ukraine and it has driven Russia into the arms of China. 

I have greater ideals than to be a vassal state of a foolish America and its losing foreign policy elite. The 'neocons' are dedicated to assuring America's perpetual unchallenged hegemony through military means and sanctions and that is not achievanle any more in this tripolar world.

Change comes from within, let's make that positive for Europe.


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