Wednesday 28 June 2023


28 June 2023

So Prigo was a plant, a dble agent, played to distract Ukrainian intelligence at a time when Russia was exposed in the course of making troop movements. 

The CIA apparently and Biden contacted the Kremlin to reassure America was not involved. Something Putin never accused America of in the first place.

The man wearing my grandmother's curtains says Prigo is a dangle.

Personally, if I had to offer an explanation, I would say that Prigo was suffering from traumatic stress and was deeply angered by the military command withholding supplies of Munitions that resulted in what he saw as the unnecessary deaths of his men. 

Finally after several months of this feeling that he was being used by the military, he rebelled and set off to unseat them.

And it's probably true that HQ was withholding Munitions in order that Prigo could not make too much progress 

because the idea was to let the Ukrainians flow into the Bahkmout trap and kill them and had he, Prigo, cleaned out the enemy troops from Bahkmout too quickly and effectively - as he could have done, with sufficient supplies - that would have meant fewer Ukrainian casualties. 

Bearing in mind the object of the exercise is to annihilate the Ukrainian Army and the Kievian leadership.

With the goal of a disarmed and neutral Ukrainian "rump state", or its total absorption into S W Russia and Eastern Poland.


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